To increase the experience and have more content each season, Diablo 2 Tyrael Might will bring another reincarnation to increase his strength to be able to go to the next versions of the game.

World Chat Command
Currently, the Server has integrated World Chat. Can be used in the Lounge and Ingame.

Runes are a special type of item in Diablo II. It is similar to gem and jewel, but the difference is that it is possible to create an item with many special features by choosing the right rune and using the right item. Another thing to note is that the ability to drop runes is not affected by the char's MF.

What is Pits (area85)? Things to know and pits
Pits (also known as area85) is a special land where all monsters are level 85. This is an area where monsters are quite easy to hit and drop a good amount of equipment such as DIADEM, TROLL BELT, CORONA,.... in addition to High Runes.

Change game language
Coming to Diablo 2 Tyrael Mights, the game can be converted into other languages suitable for you. Just go into the game and choose your language.

Diablo Clone Quest
Annihilus is a Unique Charm dropped by Uber Diablo (See below). A character can only wear one Annihilus.

Interface and Features
First time participating in D2TM? Let's take a look at the game interface and special features in D2TM.

Secret Cow Level 1
To open Cow in 3 modes Normal - Nightmare - Hell, you must complete 3 modes Normal - Nightmare - Hell with a minimum corresponding level of 20 - 40 - 60 in each mode.

Uber Quest
Uber Quest is a hidden quest. For those of you who play this version, you probably already know this quest. I made this article to introduce it to those who don't know, and for those of you who have played other versions to know.

Salvation Tower Level 1 quest
Salvation is an expansion of D2VN to give players a breath of fresh air once they have conquered all the old maps of Diablo2, of course still following the original plot direction of the game's storyline.