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Game System

These are the basic indicators you need to know in the game if you don't know them yet.

The highlighted lines are important indicators to pay attention to

Stats – Basic

  • Strength – Increase strength.​
  • Dexterity – Increased dexterity.​
  • Vitality – Increase physical strength.​
  • Energy – Increase intelligence.​
  • Vitality – Increase life.​
  • Life % – Increases vitality by %.​
  • Mana % – Increases internal strength by %.​
  • Max Mana – Increase maximum internal strength.​
  • Max Stamina – Increase maximum physical strength.​
  • All Stats (Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, Energry) – Increases all base points.​

Speed – Speed

  • Faster Block Rate (FBR) % – Increases dodge speed by %.
  • Faster Cast Rate (FCR) % – Increases spell casting speed by %.
  • Faster Hit Recovery Rate (FHR) % – Increases recovery speed after each attack by % (shortens the duration of damage).
  • Faster Run/Walk (FRW) % – Increases Run/Walk speed by %.
  • Increased Attack Speed (IAS) % – Increases attack speed by %.

Attack – Attack​

  • Attack Rating (AR) – Increases attack efficiency or in other words, can understand attack lag accurately.
  • Attack Rating Against Demons – Increases attack effectiveness when encountering Demons.
  • Attack Rating Against Undead – Increases attack effectiveness when encountering Undead.
  • Attack Rating vs Monster Type – Increases attack effectiveness when fighting monster types.
  • Bonus To Attack Rating % – Bonus attack effectiveness.
  • Fire Explosive Arrows or Bolts – Arrows with explosive attachments (normal attack).
  • Fire Magic Arrows or Bolts – Arrows with magical fire attached (normal attack).
  • Hit Causes Monster To Flee % – Increases the chance of % making monsters run away.
  • Target Defense % – Reduces opponent's resistance by %.
  • Damage – Direct damage to Vitality.
  • 1-handed Min to Max Damage – Increases minimum – maximum damage (for 1-handed weapons).
  • 2-handed Min to Max Damage – Increases minimum – maximum damage (for 2-handed weapons).
  • Attacker Takes Damage Of – Increases melee damage counterattack.
  • Attacker Takes Lightning Damage Of – Discharges electricity to counter damage.
  • Cold Damage – Increases ice damage.
  • Damage To Demons % – Increases damage when encountering Demons.
  • Damage To Mana % – Increases internal mana when damaged.
  • Damage To Undead % – Increases damage when encountering Undead.
  • Damage vs Monster Type – Increases damage when encountering certain types of monsters.
  • Enhanced Damage % – Base damage (weapon) increased by %.
  • Enhanced Min Damage % – Minimum damage (weapon) increased by %.
  • Fire Damage – Increases fire damage.
  • Kick Damage – Increases thrust damage. (For Kick Assassin – Dragon Talon Skill)
  • Lightning Damage – Increases electrical damage.
  • Max 1-handed Damage – Increases the maximum damage for 1-handed weapons.
  • Max 2-handed Damage – Increases the maximum damage for 2-handed weapons.
  • Max Cold Damage – Increases maximum ice damage.
  • Max Fire Damage – Increases maximum fire damage.
  • Max Lightning Damage – Increases maximum electrical damage.
  • Max Magic Damage – Increases maximum magic damage.
  • Max Poison Damage – Increases maximum poison damage.
  • Min to Max Magic Damage – Increases minimum – maximum magic damage.
  • Poison Damage – Increases poison damage (more time to get poisoned).

Chance of Crushing Blow(CB) % – Increases the chance of successfully draining the opponent's health (normal attack) by %.

Chance of Deadly Strike % – Increases the ability to double damage by %

– Player, Hireling, Monster, NPC all have 5% Chance of Deadly Strike available
– Monster's Deadly Strike doubles all damage types (normal and magical)
– Player's Deadly Strike only doubles the normal damage (Physical Damage)

Chance of Open Wounds % – Increases by % the chance of not allowing the opponent to heal, losing blood slowly (normal attack)

– Cannot resist Open Wounds
– Open Wounds lasts for 8 seconds.
– Open Wounds will change the opponent's blood loss rate proportional to the level of the attacker.
– Blood loss rate:
— Monster: 1%
— Boss: 0.5%
— Player: 0.25 %

Steal – Steal​

  • Life Stolen Per Hit % – Steals % of life after hitting
  • Mana Stolen Per Hit % – Steal % internal mana after hitting

Health drain level when fighting in close combat:​

— Default: drains 1/4 health
— Fight with another player: drain 1/10 of health
— Fighting with another player's disciple: drains 1/10 of health
— Fight the final difficulty player (Hell), Uniques boss: drain 1/8 of health

Blood drain level when fighting from afar

— Default: drains 1/8 of health
— Fight with another player: drain 1/20 of your health
— Fighting with another player's disciples: drain 1/20 of your health
— Fight the final difficulty player (Hell), Uniques boss: drain 1/16 of health

Defense – Resistance

  • Defense vs Melee – Increases resistance to close range damage
  • Defense vs Missile – Increases resistance to damage from afar
  • Defense – Increase resistance
  • Reduce Monster Defense per Hit – Reduces monster defense after each hit
  • Enhanced Defense % – Resistance increases by % (only for items with resistance)
  • Chance of Bolshing (ICB) % – Increases shield effectiveness by %

Extra – Expand

  • Add Experience % – Increases bonus Experience by %.
  • Chance Of Getting Magic Item % – Increases % of finding magic items.
  • Extra Gold From Monsters % – Increases money dropped from monsters by %.
  • Heal After Kill – Restores vitality after killing monsters.
  • Mana After Kill – Restores internal strength after killing monsters.
  • Increased Sockets – Add holes for objects.
  • Increased Stack Size – Increase the number of javelin or hammer throws.
  • Level Requirements % – Level required to be able to use items (reduce as much as possible).
  • Light Radius – Increases visibility.
  • Reduce Prices % – Price in the shop reduced by %.
  • Repair 1 Durability In Seconds – Automatically repairs after a period of time.
  • Replenish 1 Quantity In Seconds – Automatically regenerates after a period of time.
  • Requirements % – Basic requirements to be able to use the item (reduced as much as possible).
  • Bonus Life Summon – Increases % of Vitality for Summon (Disciple called from class – – Necromancer – Amazon – Assassin).
  • Bonus Damage Summon – Increases Summon Damage by % (Disciples are called from class – Druid – Necromancer – Amazon – Assassin).

Pierce – Penetrates (permeates – reduces resistance)

  • Pierce Attack % – % Successfully penetrates the attack (or in martial arts style, ignores defense)
  • Pierce Cold – Increases ice penetration by % (reduces enemy ice resistance)
  • Pierce Fire – Increases fire penetration by % (reduces enemy fire resistance)
  • Pierce Lightning – Increases electricity penetration by % (reduces enemy ice resistance)
  • Pierce Poison – Increases %'s ability to penetrate toxins (reduces enemy's ability to resist toxins)

Reduce – Decrease

  • Damage Reduced By - Reduce damage
  • Damage Reduced By % (DR%) – Reduces damage by %
  • Magic Damage Reduced By – Reduced magic damage
  • Magic Damage Reduced By % (MR%) – Reduces magic damage by %
  • Poison Lenght Reduced By % – Reduces poison duration by %

Resist – Resistance

  • Cold Resistance % – Increases ice resistance by %.
  • Fire Resistance % – Increases fire resistance by %.
  • Lightning Resistance % – Increases electrical resistance by %.
  • Poison Resistance % – Increases % poison resistance.
  • Magic Resistance % – Increases magic resistance by %.
  • Max Cold Resistance % – Increases maximum ice resistance by %.
  • Max Fire Resistance % – Increases maximum fire resistance by %.
  • Max Lightning Resistance % – Increases maximum electrical resistance by %.
  • Max Magic Resistance % – Increases maximum magic resistance by %.
  • Max Poison Resistance % – Increases % maximum poison resistance.
  • All Resistance % – Increases all resistances (except magic resistance) by %.

Absorb – Absorbs damage to restore health

  • Cold Absorb – Increases absorption of ice damage into vitality.
  • Cold Absorb % – Increases the absorption of % ice damage into vitality.
  • Fire Absorb – Increases fire damage absorption into vitality.
  • Fire Absorb % – Increases the absorption of % fire damage into vitality.
  • Lightning Absorb – Increases the absorption of electrical damage into vitality.
  • Lightning Absorb % – Increases the absorption of % electrical damage into vitality.
  • Magic Absorb – Increases the absorption of magic damage into vitality.
  • Magic Absorb % – Increases the absorption of % magic damage into vitality.

Skill – Move

  • All Skills – Increase all skill levels.
  • Aura (Skill when equipped) – Automatically use skills when objects are used.
  • Charged Skills – Allowed to use skills (not based on character, limited number of times).
  • Class Skill Level – Increase skill level (depending on whether the character is used or not).
  • Elemental Skills – Basic elemental skills (ice, fire, lightning, poison).
  • Non – Class Skill – Skill level (Can use skills of other Classes permanently, not according to character, consumes internal energy).
  • Skill Level – Skill level.
  • Skill On Attack – Automatically use skills when in combat state.
  • Skill On Death – Automatically use skills when dying.
  • Skill On Hit – Automatically use skills when hitting.
  • Skill On Kill – Automatically use skills when killing.
  • Skill On Level Up – Automatically use skills when leveling up.
  • Skill Tab Levels – Increase the level of the skill table.
  • Skill When Struck – Automatically use skills when heavily impacted.

Passive – Passive

  • Passive Cold Mastery % – Increases ice damage by % (uses formations to increase ice damage – passive)
  • Passive Cold Pierce % – Increases ice penetration ability by % (reduces enemy ice resistance – passive)
  • Passive Fire Mastery % – Increases fire damage by % (uses formations to increase fire damage – passive)
  • Passive Fire Pierce % – Increases fire penetration ability by % (reduces enemy fire resistance – passive)
  • Passive Lightning Mastery % – Increases electrical damage by % (use formations to increase electric damage - passive)
  • Passive Lightning Pierce % – Increases %'s ability to penetrate electricity (reduces enemy ice resistance - passive)
  • Passive Poison Mastery % – Increases poison system damage by % (uses formations to increase poison damage - passive)
  • Passive Poison Pierce % – Increases %'s ability to penetrate toxins (reduces the enemy's ability to resist toxins - passive)

Option By Level – On Time – On Level​

  • ByLevel – Increases with user level
  • Absorb Cold Damage (on Lvl) – Increases absorption of ice damage into vitality according to level
  • Absorb Fire Damage (on Lvl) – Increases fire damage absorption into vitality based on level
  • Absorb Lightning Damage (on Lvl) – Increases the absorption of electrical damage into vitality according to level
  • Attack Rating (on Lvl) – Increases attack power according to level
  • Attack Rating against Demons (on Lvl) – Increases attack power when encountering Demons according to level
  • Attack Rating against Undead (on Lvl) – Increases attack power when encountering Undead according to level
  • Attacker Takes Damage of (on Lvl) – Increases melee damage counters based on level
  • Bonus to Attack Rating (on Lvl) – Bonus attack power increases with level
  • Chance of Crushing Blow % (on Lvl) – Increases % of successfully bleeding opponents based on level
  • Chance of Deadly Strike % (on Lvl) – Increases % to double normal damage based on level
  • Chance of Getting Magic Items % (on Lvl) – Increases % of finding magic items by level
  • Chance of Open Wounds % (on Lvl) – Increases % to prevent opponents from healing wounds, losing blood slowly with level
  • Cold Resistance % (on Lvl) – Increases ice resistance by level
  • Damage to Demons % (on Lvl) – Increases damage when encountering Demons according to level
  • Damage to Undead % (on Lvl) – Increases damage when encountering Undead according to level
  • Defense (on Lvl) – Increases defense with level
  • Dexterity (on Lvl) – Increases dexterity with level
  • Engery (on Lvl) – Increases intelligence according to level
  • Enhanced Defense (on Lvl) – Increases defense by % (only for items with defense) based on level
  • Enhanced MaxDmg (on Lvl) – Increases maximum damage (weapon) by % according to level
  • Extra Gold From Monsters % (on Lvl) – Increases money dropped from monsters by % according to level
  • Fire Resistance % (on Lvl) – Increases fire resistance by % with level
  • Heal Stamina Plus % (on Lvl) – Increases stamina recovery speed by % according to level
  • Kick Damage (on Lvl) – Increases thrust damage with level
  • Life (on Lvl) – Increases vitality according to level
  • Lightning Resistance % (on Lvl) – Increases electrical resistance by % per level
  • Mana (on Lvl) – Increases internal strength according to level
  • Max Cold Damage (on Lvl) – Increases maximum ice damage based on level
  • Max Damage (on Lvl) – Increases maximum damage according to level
  • Max Fire Damage (on Lvl) – Increases maximum fire damage according to level
  • Max Lightning Damage (on Lvl) – Increases maximum electrical damage based on level
  • Max Poison Damage (on Lvl) – Increases maximum poison damage based on level
  • Max Stamina (on Lvl) – Increases maximum stamina according to level
  • Poison Resistance % (on Lvl) – Increases poison resistance by % with level
  • Strength (on Lvl) – Increases health by level
  • Vitality (on Lvl) – Increases life by level
  • ByTime – Increases over time of use
  • Absorb Cold Damage (by Time) – Increases the absorption of ice damage into vitality over time
  • Absorb Fire Damage (by Time) – Increases the absorption of fire damage into vitality over time
  • Absorb Lightning Damage (by Time) – Increases the absorption of electrical damage into vitality over time
  • Attack Rating % (by Time) – Increases attack power by % over time
  • Attack Rating (by Time) – Increases attack power over time
  • Attack Rating against Demon (by Time) – Increases attack power when encountering Demon over time
  • Attack Rating against Undead (by Time) – Increases attack power when encountering Undead over time
  • Chance of Crushing Blow % (by Time) – Increases % success in bleeding opponents over time
  • Chance of Deadly Strike % (by Time) – Increases % to double normal damage over time
  • Chance of Open Wounds % (by Time) – Increasing % prevents the opponent from healing wounds, losing blood slowly over time
  • Cold Resistance % (by Time) – Increases ice resistance by % over time
  • Damage to Demons % (by Time) – Increases damage when encountering Demons over time
  • Damage to Undead % (by Time) – Increases damage when encountering Undead over time
  • Defense (by Time) – Increases defense over time
  • Dexterity (by Time) – Increases dexterity over time
  • Engery (by Time) – Increases intelligence over time
  • Find Magic Items (by Time) – Increases % in finding magic items over time
  • Fire Resistance % (by Time) – Increases fire resistance by % over time
  • Gold From Monsters % (by Time) – Increases monster drops by % over time
  • Heal Stamina Plus % (by Time) – Increases stamina recovery speed over time
  • Kick Damage (by Time) – Increases thrust damage over time
  • Life (by Time) – Increases vitality over time
  • Lightning Resistance % (by Time) – Increases electrical resistance by % over time
  • Mana (by Time) – Increases mana over time
  • Max Cold Damage (by Time) – Increases maximum ice damage over time
  • Max Damage % (by Time) – Increases maximum damage by % over time
  • Max Damage (by Time) – Increases maximum damage over time
  • Max Damage (by Time) – Increases maximum damage over time
  • Max Fire Damage (by Time) – Increases maximum fire damage over time
  • Max Lightning Damage (by Time) – Increases maximum lightning damage over time
  • Max Poison Damage (by Time) – Increases maximum poison damage over time
  • Max Stamina (by Time) – Increases maximum stamina over time
  • Poison Resistance % (by Time) – Increases poison resistance by % over time
  • Strength (by Time) – Increases health over time
  • Vitality (by Time) – Increases life over time

Other – Other

  • Attack Freezes Target – Freeze opponents.
  • Cannot be Frozen – Cannot be frozen.
  • Half Freeze Duration – Reduces freezing time by half (not cold exposure).
  • Heal Stamina Plus % – Increases physical recovery speed.
  • Hit Blinds Target – Reduces the opponent's ability to observe.
  • Ignore Target Defense – Ignore Monster resistance (direct attack on vitality) – Does not affect Player (PvP)
  • Indestructible – Cannot be damaged.
  • Knock Back – When damaged by an opponent, has the ability to push the opponent away. ()
  • Life After Each Demon Kill – Increases vitality after killing a Demon.
  • Mana After Each Kill – Increases internal energy after killing monsters.
  • Max Durability % – Increases maximum durability.
  • Prevent Monster Heal – Monsters cannot heal.
  • Regenerate Mana Plus % – Increases internal energy recovery speed.
  • Replenish Life – Increase vitality recovery speed.
  • Rest In Peace % – Increases the ability to prevent monsters from respawning by %.
  • Slower Stamina Drain % – Increases physical endurance (stamina drops slower).
  • Slows Target By % – Reduces enemy speed by %.
  • Throwabe – Can be thrown.

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