The Lich King Sword Charm is a reward item from the quest Pandemonium III – Wrath Of The Lich King. Can be upgraded to Lich King Sword Charm Hard / Lich King Sword Charm God / Lich King Sword Charm Transcendent through scrolls when fighting the Lich King boss in the modes in the supplement.

Upgrade Charm Set Items Class
Upgrade Charm Set Items Class, each character will have a unique charm that increases the maximum power of your character. You can Search Google Set Items Diablo 2 to find Items by Class faster!

Hirelings – Mercenaries
When playing Diablo, the most important things for a player are: character (char), items, level, stat and skill. However, besides that, there is also a very important factor that contributes significantly to helping us complete the game, which is Hireling, in Vietnamese it is commonly called "hireling". This article will introduce and specifically guide everyone in every detail about Hiring.

Paladin is a warrior willing to fight with faith as his shield and fight for what he believes is right. His steadfastness gives him the strength to bestow blessings on his friends and exact ruthless justice on his enemies. There are those who call Paladin a zealot, but others recognize in him the power and goodness of the Light.