The build type is also quite popular, that is Fire Druid, Druid mainly uses fire skills. The main skills we will use are Volcano and Armageddon Fire.

Druid Build – Druid Windy Cold
Let me introduce a fairly common build type, which is Cold Druid, Druid mainly uses Ice skills. The main skills we will use are Tornado and Hurricane.

FOH is a skill that deals lightning damage and magic damage (magic damage is shown in the form of holy bolts fired at the same time as FOH and only works on undead monsters). But it is one of Pally's few caster-type skills, helping you avoid having to get close to fight monsters or melee players.

General formula – s21
Collection of commonly used cube formulas at D2VN (Diablo 2 Tyrael Mights). There is a quick lookup here.

BREAKPOINT – Essential index for PvP – PvM
Diablo II is a 2D game, displaying images at 25 frames per second, so all action takes place in a certain number of frames. For example, a normal weapon attack takes 10 frames to perform. If you increase the attack speed so that it drops to 9 frames, it will hit faster, but if it only drops from 9.1 to 9.9 frames, it will still only hit slowly. like 10 frames. This shows that all your efforts to increase speed will be in vain if you do not reach a certain point, the point to switch 1 frame called “Breakpoint”.

Choosing Sorceress to start the path to conquering Diablo 2 game is also not a bad choice. Although it is a bit difficult because the rice is quite thin and weak. But in return, the sorceress has many strengths that other starting characters can hardly match

Upgrade Charm Set Items Class
Upgrade Charm Set Items Class, each character will have a unique charm that increases the maximum power of your character. You can Search Google Set Items Diablo 2 to find Items by Class faster!

Unique Upgraded
Item Upgraded is a list of Items customized by D2VN to create a new breath of fresh air in the original Diablo 2 LOD version.

First time participating in the Game
Invite friends to go together, get a lot of exp and level up quickly when killing monsters, be leisurely and less likely to die, save a huge amount of time. Invite each other to do quests together to get bonus power stats.

Farm Rune Guide for Newbies
Farm Rune Guide for Newbies. With the characteristics of Diablo 2 playing online in general and playing in the D2TM server in particular, we usually use Solo Maps so the Room's Drop level will be based on Players X = 1 (maximum of 8 Players).