[Server maintenance]
– Time: 16:00 (June 27, 2024)
– Maintenance time: 15 – 30 minutes
[Maintenance content]
General information
– Fix the bug of Sorc Skills Upgrade Fire not being able to cast Skills.
– Souls Shop: Add Exp Bottles sold for 8000 Souls
– Added new Option: Finish Move is added to new items Jadetalon Upgrade (Can Search Phoenix Assassin D2R) to refer to this gameplay!!!
– Buff Mercenary Act2: Increases Base Damage by 30% (Adjusts Hire's AOE Skills)
Edit Items
* Nether Crow Upgrade: From 1 - 2 soc to 1 - 3 soc
* Corona Upgrade: From 1 - 2 SOC to 1 - 3 SOC
* Shadowkiller Claws: From 1 - 2 soc to 1 - 3 soc
* SpiritKeeper Upgrade: Earth Spirit
– Random 3 Skill Class Druid Become 0 – 3 Tornado (Druid Only)
– Add 0 – 30% Extra Cold
– Add 0 – 10 -Res Enemy Cold
* Nightwing's Veil Upgrade: Spired Helm
– 5 Res Cold becomes -0-15 Res Cold
* Shadow Claw Upgrade:
– Add 0-20% Extra Random Element (Light Cold Fire)
– Add 0-10 – Resistant Random Element (Light Cold Fire)
– Change Ias to FCR
Add new Items
* Mighty Scepter: The Redeemer (x3 Unique The Redeemer + 1 Ohm Rune)
* Mighty Scepter: Heaven's Light (x3 Unique Heaven's Light + 1 Ohm Rune)
* Zakarum Shield: Dragonscale (x3 Unique Dragonscale + 1 Ohm Rune)
* Tyrant Club: Demon Limb (x3 Unique Demon Limb + 1 Ohm Rune)
* Truncheon: Nord's Tenderizer (x3 Unique Nord's Tenderizer + 1 Ohm Rune)
* Jade Talon Upgrade: (x3 UniqueJade Talon+ 1 Ohm Rune)
Edit Orb formula
* 7 Normal Orb + Magic recipe + 2 Ring unique + Ohm Rune = Magic Orb
* 7 Magic Orb + Chaos Recipe + 4 Amu Unique + x2 Ohm Rune = Chaos Orb
* 7 Chaos Orb + Uni Recipe + 8 Amu Unique + x3 Ohm Rune = Uni Orb
* 7 Unique Orb + Legend Recipe + 8 Unique Amu + 8 Unique Ring + x4 Ohm Rune = Legend Orb
Edit Skills
* Necromancer Skills
Lower Resistant Charm: Added – Res Magic
* Amazon Skills
Multi Arrow: Fix Mana Cost reduced to 20.
* Druid Skills
Volcano: Increases 30% Fire Skills
* Paladin Skills
Fix Blessed Hammer: Skills effects have been changed.
Fist of The Heaven (Paladin Skill):
– Increases base damage to 20%, Bonus Skills increase by 5% per skill (Including 20% Holy. Bolt and 12% Holy Shock)
– Increased 20% dmg Skill Upgrade Warth Of Thunder
Aura Sanctuary (Paladin Skill):
– Fixed the Damage receiving function similar to the Aura Concentration mechanism
* Assassin Skills
Trap Lightning: Adds 1 Beam from Trap
Trap Wake of Fire
– Increases 30% Fire Damage
– Increase Shooting Times from 6 to 8 times
New Skill Trap Ice Dragon Sentinel: Replaces Skill Wake of Inferno
Phoenix: Increases 20% Damage