
Changelog Update 8.7.18#4

by GMSuzug in

📢 Fast maintenance - update today! 🔥
Hello Diablo 2 Tyrael Might warriors! ⚔️
The server has been maintained quickly and these are the latest updates today:
✅ Add new box: Imperius of Celestial Forge 🔥
💰 Price: 12,000 FG
🎁 Open ratio: Unique Items & Weapon ETH - Hunt now!
⚙️ Fix Paladin Up Error - Now I have received Weapon Damage right!
🎯 Auto Attack - now can be turned on with the X button for the right hand skill, making it smoother!
Go to the game and experience now! 🚀
#DABLO2 #D2TM #UPDate #tyryryryraelmight


Changelog 8.7.18#3

by administrator in

[Update content #2 (morning 24.01.2025)]

- Cold Masteri skill can now penetrate Immu (update similar to D2R). (When meeting Monster, you can only break Immu with numbers
- Paladin's Conversion Up skill is resonated with Weapon Damage, when touching the boss, there will be a Miss ratio of up to 50%. (Currently Miss 70% for boss)

- You lost the item, and accidentally forced the charm to charm like Lich King, Azmodaz, Devil Anni. Please contact Fanpage for a refund. For the best, please upload charm to the market and contact the fanpage to leave a message and account. (Currently for the Lunar New Year, the support force is also limited, so when sending the message, please specify what the content to do).
- Example: It is necessary to support the conversion of pressed stack / need support to restore Charm Top - Wing.
- Ask to upload charm to the market and send back the ID with the support message. When the recovery is complete, the item will appear in your Inventory Web.
- In case of being required to support: Lost Charm Top, Charm Aura, the case has squeezed stack into Charm Extra Quest Lich King, Uber 2 and Anni 2.


Changelog Update 8.7.17#2

by administrator in

- Increase the exporance from level 1 to 80 faster.
- Discount 50% Damage of Mer Act 1 & Mer Act 3.
- Adjust the entire damage of upgrade skill.
- Sorceress Fire, basic damage adjusted from 100 to 438. Each level increases 25% power.
- Sorceress Light, basic damage adjusted from 1500 to 2177. Each level increases 50% power.
- Sorceress Cold, basic damage adjusted from 300 to 1545. Each level increases 25% power.
- For Sorceress, the upgrade skill damage is accumulated with Mastery skills.
- Amazon Bow, Bow can now constantly discharge 3 UPrage skills instead of one as before.
- Amazon Bow, basic Fire damage increased from 1550 to 2553. Each level increased by 50% power and 1 add 1 ray of Arrow.
- Amazon Bow, basic Cold damage increased from 1100 to 1088. Each level increased by 50% power and 1 additional Arrow.
- Amazon Bow, basic Physic damage increased from 10 to 452. Each level increased by 50% power and add 1 ray of Arrow.
- Amazon JAV, basic light damage increased from 600 to 5076. Each level increased 30% power. (Charge & Lighting Fury)
- Amazon Physic and Light received additional damage from Weapon.
- Druid caster, Fire damage (volcano up) increased from 1300 to 5809. Each level increased by 50% power.
- Druid caster, Cold (Tornado) damage increased from 800 to 4880. Each level increased by 50% power.
- Druid Melee, Fire (Fury) damage increased from 2500 to 4890. Each level increased by 50% power.
- Assassin, Kick damage increases from 350 to 355. Each level increases 25% power.
- Assassin, Blade Fury damage increased from 350 to 637. Each level increased by 25% power, damage from Blade Fury could increase with the available masterstery skills of Assassin along with Weapon.
- Barbarian, Berserker damage increased from 1500 to 2000. Each level increased by 25% power.
- Barbarian, Double Throw damage decreased from 1000 to 390. Each level increased by 25% power.
- Barbarians, Frenzy damage increased from 600 to 1358. Each level increased by 25% power. Cast simultaneously double throw upgrade.
- For Barbarians, Damage from Upgrade Skill is accumulated with Mastery skills.
- Necromancer, Magic damage increased from 2000 to 3616. Each level increased by 50% power.
- Necromancer, cast at the same time Bone Spear and Bone Spirit skills when using Bone Spirit.
- Paladin, Conversion no longer receives Weapon Damage directly.
- Paladin, Conversion damage increased from 1300 to 2000. Each level increased by 50% power.
- Paladin, Vengeance damage can increase the power directly from Option All Skill or Paladin Skill. Each level increases by 25% power.
- Paladin, when cast conversion will cast at the same time upgrade skills are conversion and vengeance.
- Paladin, Fist of the Heavens damage adjusted from 5 to 150. Each level increased by 25% power.


Changelog Update 8.7.15

by administrator in

Changelog Update 8.7.15 - Update #4

[Skills Upgrade]
- Adjust the upgrade skills of Assassin
- Adjust the damage of Skills up Physical (excluding conversion)

- Fix cow doll without drop in Cow Hard