Azmodan Boss
by GMSuzug in
Mission News

General information


  • The continuation of Chaos Uber (also known as Uber Tristram) where heroes can demonstrate that they have conquered and receive valuable rewards are Hellfire Tourch and Standard of Heroes. But the war is not yet over, once again the Dark Summoning ritual is performed by a Sin Lord who can be considered the Strongest. He plots to take advantage of the Worldstone's power. Is a stone containing the souls of omnipotent Demons that was once used by Lilith (Queen of Succubi) to perform the ritual of Summoning Darkness in the mortal realm. returns to spread Pandemonium throughout Sanctuary.
  • This time, the defeat of the Almighty Evil trio Uber Baal, Uber Mephisto and Pandemonium Diablo failed to destroy Sanctuary, the rage and desire to destroy Sanctuary was once again realized. in the eyes of Azmodan – Lord of Sin. With all his power, Azmodan revived the 3 Prime Demons who had been defeated. Not only that, Azmodan also abused all the power of the Worldstone to enhance and transform the Demons to become more different than the original Demons. initial. Of course this trio of Almighty Evil has become much stronger than the defeat of the trio of Omnipotent Evil at Uber Tristram.
  • The Valrous Manuscript lists Azmodan as the greatest battlefield commander of all demons, having repeatedly defeated angels in the Eternal Conflict across Pandemonium and the Prime Evils in the demonic civil war. If the Lord of Sin attacks our kingdom, we truly have much to fear. Azmodan – The Lord of Sin, the Lord of Sin is the Lesser Evil of the Burning Hell and the last of the Greater Evils trapped in the Black Soulstone.
  • The Scrolls of Malzakam also suggest that initially, during the Great Conflict, Azmodan repeatedly defeated his angelic enemies on the battlefield of Pandemonium. In one such battle, Azmodan faced the archangel Tyreal. Tyrreal blesses him and prepares to strike the final blow. However, one of Tyreal's comrades called for aid and Tyreal rushed to lend it.
  • Azmodan thus escaped the angel's wrath. During another battle against Tyreal (or possibly a similar one), Azmodan was directly attacked by his angelic enemies, who were able to use their wings to restrain their hosts and attack directly. receive him. Frustrated by his near defeat, Azmodan began raising demons capable of tearing angels apart.
  • Only here, once again, can the heroes hope to defeat the trio of the Devil and the Lord of Sin once more and save Sanctuary from destruction.
  • Note: Unlike the or other Server mission, Uber Diablo, the Pandemonium Event is quite a bit more complex and has more battles with some very special Super Bosses created especially for the mission.

Note of Mod Map Azmodan

  • Reincarnation 3
  • Costs 400 Souls.
  • Requires Clearing all or almost all monsters to pass through the gate
  • Can't use Portal to get home.
  • Use Jewel Teleport Upgrade (Can only Teleport - Normal Teleport is prohibited from Enigma but Jewel Teleport 1)
  • Tip: Use Aura Conviction – Lower Resist – Opt – res enemy.
  • Drop Ticket and Don't open the next gate (Avoid 1 Turn twice) - When Killing Boss, only Drop Ticket. Use Ticket to open the next gate.

Special: Map has Save Team Skills

  • Tip: As long as 1 Char is alive, the remaining Chars will be revived with Skills Save Team.

Drop Map

Key Of (3 Keys) LOD

  • Key of Terror
  • Key of Hate
  • Key of Destruction


  • Fragment Destruction (fr@3)
  • Fragment of Cursed (fr@5)
  • Fragments of Slyness (fr@4)
  • Fragment of Abjuration (fr@6)
  • Fragments Of Fogotten Soul (fr@7)

General item information

Items information

  • Tickets for maps
  • Boss Map Box
  • Key of Cursed
  • Key of Slyness
  • Key of Abjuration
  • Azmodan Torch
  • Fragments of Cursed
  • Fragments of Slyness
  • Fragments of Abjuration
  • Socket HT (0-1)
  • Reward Azmodan Normal – Hard – God – Transcendent


Map Azmodan

To get an entrance ticket to Azmodan, you must be in ACT1 Hell. There, press the shortcut Q (Quest) to open the quest, then select Extra Quest

How to enter Azmodan




After clicking on Extra Quest, the extended maps will appear, select the map you want to play (Azmodan) then click on the red portal box to open the map.

Boss And Map

Map Tunnel Mysterious

Boss: PrimeCountess

The Tunnel Mysterious map will be very dark and the Town Portal cannot be used.

Map Dammed Sanctuary

Boss: Prime Summoner

The Cursed Sanctuary map has a Chimera gatekeeper - Gatekeeper. To enter the Damned Sanctuary map you need to destroy the Gatekeeper Boss.

Map Cursed Keep

Boss The Transcendent One

Map Cursed Keep like the other 2 maps, cannot use Town Portal.

Boss Azmodan: Final boss

No xD


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