What is Annihilus Small Charm?
Annihilus is a Unique Charm dropped by Uber Diablo (See below). A character can only wear one Annihilus.
Basic stats of Annihilus
- Required Level: 70
- +1 To All Skills
- +10-20 To All Attributes (varies)
- All Resistances +10-20 (varies)
- +5-10% To Experience Gained (varies)
I. Instructions on how to find ring stone of jordan
Introduction to stone of jordan.
Stone of jordan (SoJ) is a unique ring, one of the rings classified as "most wanted" on the battlet net, even if you play single SoJ is still the best ring for every caster.
- Required Level: 29
- +1 To All Skills
- Increase Maximum Mana 25%*
- Adds 1-12 Lightning Damage
- +20 To Mana
SoJ is truly one of the best unique hits of Diablo II. There are many questions on the internet about how to find Soj.
Where to find the Stone of Jordan Ring
You can find SOJ in many ways, any monster with level over 39 (Mlvl>39) has the ability to give SOJ. Even the chests in nightmare and hell have abilities for SOJ. However, the possibility is very small, ranging from: 1:1000 to 1:15000000. Here is the order of places that can give you SOJ from most to least:
- Nightmare Andariel, Normal Diablo.
- Normal Baal, Nightmare and Hell Act Bosses.
- Councils. All monsters in Act1, Act2 and Act3 in NM.
- All monsters are level higher than 38.
- All corpses in nightmare and hell (except nighmare's 1-headed act). Gambling.
As you can see, nightmare andariel is considered the best place to find SOJ. Because in Nightmare Nightmare andariel is level 49, there is absolutely a chance to drop SOJ, but there is no ability to give higher unique rings, and andariel is very easy to kill, each time he dies he gives 6 items. The chance of finding SOJ in andariel if it produces a unique ring is 1:31.
How much +%magic find(MF) should be used
The more MFs, of course, the more chances to find unique items (see the table in the above article). Of course, I also said not to sacrifice everything for MFs when your char is too strong to kill monsters. At the same time, the number of tremors also greatly affects the results. Here is an overall table of run nighmare andariel that I collected, please look at it for reference and from there draw for yourself how much MF is reasonable:
+MF……………..Ability to find SOJ for 1 run, % …………….Ability to find SOJ for 1000 runs, %
0……………… . 0.0489…………. 38.66
50……………… 0.0692…………. 49.97
100…………….. 0.0838…………. 56.75
150…………….. 0.0947…………. 61.22
200…………….. 0.1032…………. 64.38
250…………….. 0.1100…………. 66.72
300…………….. 0.1155…………. 68.52
350…………….. 0.1201…………. 69.94
400…………….. 0.1241…………. 71.10
450…………….. 0.1274…………. 72.05
500…………….. 0.1303…………. 72.86
550…………….. 0.1329…………. 73.54
600…………….. 0.1351…………. 74.13
650…………….. 0.1371…………. 74.64
700…………….. 0.1389…………. 75.09
750…………….. 0.1405…………. 75.49
800…………….. 0.1420…………. 75.84
850…………….. 0.1433…………. 76.16
900…………….. 0.1445…………. 76.45
950…………….. 0.1456…………. 76.70
1000……………. 0.1466………….. 76.94
What is MF? Let's see here
Ability to find SOJ compared to other unique rings
Unique rings found…………possibility of finding SoJ, %
1………………………….. 3.23
5………………………….. 15.12
ten…………………………. 27.96
20…………………………. 48.10
50…………………………. 80.59
100………………………… 96.23
141………………………… 99.02
150………………………… 99.27
If you run in nighmare andariel and find a unique ring, you can be sure that after you find the other 141 unique rings, you will have SoJ anyway.
II. Instructions for making Diablo clone (Uber Diablo) "Quest to get Anihilus Small Charm"
- Bring SoJ, come Akara Act I and sell it. (Hell mode)
- You will see the earth shake and a message appears (If you sell SOJ without a Diablo Clone, you are screwed, 30% will appear Diablo Clone)
- Next, run to the first location where the Super Unique Monster is waiting for you. Jin teng, DC will welcome you solemnly
That is the owner of Chaos Sanstuary – Act IV. In addition to familiar skills such as Red Lightning Hose, Charge, Cold Touch, etc. Diablo Clone can also use Armagedon and heal extremely quickly.
Reward: After Diablo Clone lying down at your feet (or lying down, I don't know) You will pick up an extremely valuable Small Charm in the game.