by GMSuzug in
Build Guide Character

Class focus:

In ancient times, there were groups of nomadic people, they traveled from Asia to Europe. People see them as Indians (India or Aryan), several groups of settlement decisions in the Caucasus region and partly in Persian (today Iran), other than in Mesopotamia, Philista and Sumeria, a one Others come to the Balkan area such as Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania, the few go northern Europe (today Germany, Scandinavia, France, Spain and England).

Frenzy Barb: Top Build

Here are a very popular Barb Barb type: French Barb - Barb uses Frenchzy as the main skill

I. Introduction:

*Advantage : 

  • Buffalo blood, damg, high def, crowd control quite well. Attack Speed ​​is high, not limited hit like Zeal, and the more he hit the speed as well as damg ==> the true meaning of the word Frenzy - crazy> ....

*Weakness : 

  • Disadvantages before Immu Phys, Pal's Aura Thorn and Oblivion Knight in Chaos Sanstuary with Curse Iron Maiden. You can kill them with Skill Berserk - beat Magic Damg, but pay with Def Zero. In addition, we cannot use Sword N Shield with this build to get Block Def because French requires the use of 2 weapons at the same time ...
II. Stat build :
  • Str: enough to hold weapons and wear clothes. The number of points should be added here is 100-110
  • DEX: Do not pay much attention to DEX because French Barb uses Dual Weapon. DEX is only to use GermoShred Flying Ax and Lacerator Winged Ax, about 80 is enough to use
  • Vit: Try to raise its best.
  • Eng: No point at all. Just weapons Leech Mana, Dual Leech and Mana + Add from items are enough
III. Skill builds :

Warcries Skill

You put 1 point in each of the following skill:

  • Howl
  • Find Potion (do not worry much about blood)
  • Battle Cry
  • War Cry
  • Battle Command

Besides, you max the following 3 skill:

  • Shout
  • Battle Orders
  • Taunt

Using these skills, I explained it above. In addition, here I added Taunt to the Max Skill section because it resonated French in besides Double Swing, and it is also quite helpful for Barb when fighting with the Range Attack monster as well as

Combat Masteries

Add 1 point to each of the following skill:

  • Increased stamina
  • Increased Speed
  • Iron Skin
  • Natural Resistance
  • Stamina increases Stamina, I.Speed ​​increases the speed for Barb, Iron Skin increases Base Def for Barb itself, and Natural Resistance increases the resist all for Barb. 4 more barb skill of barb

In 5 Weapon Masteries (excluding Throwing Mastery), you choose which class you really and max for it. But to have a Build WW Barb is quite complete, you should put 1 point here:

  • Throwing Mastery

Of course, to have a complete form of a built with this build, you should max 20 points into this skill:

  • Ax mastery

Besides Berserk to fight Immu Phys, Aura Thorn and Curse Iron Maiden, we can use additional weapons. Also because Barb has a double throw skill, and Double Throw now receives a lot of resonance with Double Swing again.

Note: Use Two Handed Sword Class, Ax Class, Mace Class.


You put 1 point in the following skills:

  • Bash
  • Double Throw
  • Stun
  • Leap
  • Concentrate
  • Leap Attack
  • Berserk

As mentioned above, these skills are very useful when they are still in low LV. In addition, Double Throw and Berserk also help us through Hell Trot

Besides, Max 2 Skill later to understand why this is French Barb:

  • Double swing
  • Frenzy

Double Swing In addition to the immediate benefit is good at low LV, Skill resonating for French, it also has an interesting thing: to a certain lv (according to calculation, the LV 5-6 skill is something), You will not lose mana anymore. And Frenzy is a high -end variant of Double Swing, accompanied by an Attack Speed ​​and Run/Walk Speed ​​by hit => the more he hit the higher, the high rate of increasing speed

Skill lift order:

With the main Skill French (LV30), it seems that the LV time is a bit miserable, but with skill like Bash, Stun, Double Swing, Barb will overcome easily. Remember 5-6 points to Double Swing first to not have to worry about mana. Add 1 point to the necessary and 5-6 points for Weapon Mastery you have chosen and 5-6 point for the shout. Try to max French first, then go to Taunt and Battle Orders. Weapon Mastery Max is parallel to Shout and Double Swing until End Game.

IV. Items:

Just refer to play, because most of them are poisonous

  • Hat: Arreat's Face Slayer Guard - Unique Barb's Helm with 2 to Barb Skill, 2 to combat skill, Res All 30 and 20 for Str, DEX. Another option is Demonhorn's Edge Destroyer Helm with 10 % ATTACK Speed ​​and 3 to combat, Masteries, Warcries. If not, you can replace = 1 Rare Barb Only Helm with+2 Barb Skills/Run-Walk/Sockets/+All Res/+Stats. Socketed and put in a 1 champa hat.
  • Giap: Chains of Honor Runeword (DOL+UM+BER+IST) on the Archon Plate or Dusk Shroud 3 Socketed with +2 to all Skill, 8% Damage Reduce and 65 to resist all, worth it. If you feel excited, Enigma Runeword (JAH+ITH+Ber) on Mage Plate shirt to get 2 to all skill and teleport. If it is too difficult to earn these runewords, you can temporarily use Arcane's Valor or Goldskin.
  • Weapons 1: If you choose to use Sword Class, Breath of the Dying Runeword (Vex+Hel+EL+Eld+ZOD+ETH) on Colossus Blade, for 60% ATTACK Speed, 15% LECH LIFE,+Quite Attributes and important - 25% DEF. Besides, use Fury Runeword (JAH+Gul+ETH) on a different Colossus Sword with 40% Increased Attack Speed, -25% DEF and important +5 to Frenzy.

If you choose Ax Class or Mace Class, Doom Runeword (Hel+Ohm+Um+Lo+Cham) on Etin Ax, Berserker Ax or Legendary Mallet with +2 to all Skill, strong damage and promotion Aura Holy Freeze. Besides, there is a Beast Runeword (Ber+Tir+Um+Mal+Lum) on Etin Ax, Berserker Ax or Legendary Mallet with LV 9 fanatic Aura, Damg strong

Note: Fury Runeword (JAH+Gul+ETH) can be used for all Melee Weapon (except for Throwing Class, Bow, Crossbow Class), so you can still make Fury Runework on Ax, Mace Class if not earn 1 of 2 things Doom or Beast Runeword>.

  • Weapons 2: 2 Gmwwred Flying Ax with several hundred damg element (Fire, Ice, Lightning) and 30 % Increase Attack Speed. Can be replaced = 2 lacerator winged axe with 33 % Chance to open wound, hit Cause Monster Flee and more importantly % Chance to cast Curse Amplify Damage: -
  • Shield 1: Do not use because of 1 dual 2 weapon hand
  • Shield 2: Do not use because my hands have used Dual Throwing Class
  • Belts: Vermungo's Hearty Cord with 15% Damg Reduction, + Blood and Stamina => Belt of Melee Char
  • Gloves: Steelrend with 10% Chance to Crushing Blow and 20 Str, Venom Grip with 5 % Chance to Crushing Blow or Soul Drainer with Dual Leech 7% and Chance to Cast Curse Weaken. In addition, Dracul's Grasp is also a good choice with high Leech Life, 25 % Chance to Open Wound and Chance to Cast Curse Life Tap
  • Shoes: Gore Rider is always a good choice that comes with Steelrend for Melee Char. 15% Crushing Blow, 15% Deadly Strike, 10% Chance to Open Wound, it helps Barb is terrible now even more terrible
  • Ring: 1 Stone of Jordan and 1 Bul-Kathos's Wedding Band or 2 Rare Ring has + Skill for Barb, Mana, Res, etc.
  • Chain: Mara's Kaleidoscope with 2 to All Skills, Attributes and Res All, or Highlord's Wrath with Deadly Strike. Can replace = Rare Amulet with Barb Skill, Res All ... ..
  • Charm - Charm: Hellfire Tourch Large Charm and Anihilus Small Charm are 2 Must Have. In addition, "stuffed" add charm + combat skill and 2 charm + masteries, warcries in, besides charm + blood, a little faster run/walk is also okay.

This article is for reference only for newbies...

Berserk Barb: Top Build

Another Barb Barb: Berserk Barb - Barb uses Berserk Lam Skill

I. Introduction:

*Advantage : 

  • Buffalo blood, damg is not only the highest in the Melee Char but also Magic Damg. In addition, Berserk Barb overcome the shortcomings of the WW Barb and French Barb brothers: No fear of Immu Phys, Aura Thorn, Curse Iron Maiden anymore

*Weakness : 

  • The price to pay for each hit Berserk is that Def is reduced to zero .... imagine the scene you are thrown in between 8 Doom Knight, 4 Venom Lord, 2 Oblivion Knight always cast Decrepify and Iron Maiden next to 3- 4 Storm Caster Drain Mana continuously with DEF himself = zero see stars. So, if you do not use Sword N Shield to get the Block even though the DEF has zero, you should limit the clashes of the crowd of monsters but separate them, ”divided to treat"
II. Stat build :
  • Str: enough to hold weapons. You should use a compact but high -quality Attack rating like Sword Class, Spear Class. Items will help us have more Attributes so don't need too much
  • DEX: If you use Weapon N Shield according to Talic's model on Arreat Summit, you should try to calculate so that Max Block 75 %, about 140-160 dex. If the above figure is too much, we can use the Two Handed Weapon to get high damg, in return, not block. It's up to you
  • Vit: Try to raise its best.
  • Eng: Do not charge point here. Berserk does not waste mana, the concerntrate is the same, and although sometimes we still use WW to solve it quickly, but if there are items + mana and mana Leech, this is no problem
III. Skill builds :

Warcries Skill

You put 1 point in each of the following skill:

  • Howl
  • Find Potion (do not worry much about blood)
  • Battle Cry
  • War Cry
  • Battle Command

The uses do not need much explanation because already in the first article.

Besides, you max the following 3 skill:

  • Taunt
  • Shout
  • Battle Orders

Shout increases DEF 1 not small, Battle Orders increases blood and mana. Every Barb must max (used for even party). Taunt is besides being useful to separate the crowd of monsters, it is also a resonance skill for Berserk beside Shout. And with Berserk Barb, Warcry Combo Howl + Taunt is helpful for your division to treat you a lot.

Combat Masteries

Add 1 point to each of the following skill:

  • Increased stamina
  • Increased Speed
  • Iron Skin
  • Natural Resistance

4 other Barb must have. I.stamina increases Stamina, I.Speed ​​increases the speed for Barb, Iron Skin increases Base Def for Barb itself, and Natural Resistance increases the resist all for Barb.

In 5 Weapon Masteries (excluding Throwing Mastery), you choose which class you really and max for it. But in order to have a BERLD BERRK BARB, you should put 1 point here:

  • Throwing Mastery

Although we hit = Max Berserk, but be careful, it is quite useful in low LV when you are not enough to cope with the monsters with DEF Zero and are not used to coordinating Howl + Taunting

Note: Only Two Handed Sword Class and Spear Class should only be selected. Berserk has not very high accuracy, so light weapons, high rating are always better


You put 1 point in the following skills:

  • Bash
  • Double Swing (1 point leads to double throw, useful in the first lv)
  • Double Throw
  • Stun
  • Leap
  • Concentrate
  • Leap Attack
  • Whirlwind

Next to it is this max>:

  • Berserk

Their uses do not need to say much>

Skill lift order:

With the main skill Berserk (LV30), it seems that the low LV time is a bit miserable, but with skills like Bash, Stun, Concerntrate, Barb will overcome easily. Add 1 point to the necessary and 5-10 point skills for the Weapon Mastery you have chosen. Once Berserk, try to max Berserk first, then go to Battle Orders and Shout. Weapon Mastery and Howl Max parallel to Max LV

IV. Items:

Just refer to play, because most of them are poisonous

  • Hat: Arreat's Face Slayer Guard - Unique Barb's Helm with 2 to Barb Skill, 2 to combat skill, Res All 30 and 20 for Str, DEX. Another option is Demonhorn's Edge Destroyer Helm with 10 % ATTACK Speed ​​and 3 to combat, Masteries, Warcries. If not, you can replace = 1 Rare Barb Only Helm with+2 Barb Skills/Run-Walk/Sockets/+All Res/+Stats. Socketed and put in a 1 champa hat.
  • Giap: Chains of Honor Runeword (DOL+UM+BER+IST) on the Archon Plate or Dusk Shroud 3 Socketed with +2 to all Skill, 8% Damage Reduce and 65 to resist all, worth it. If you feel excited, Enigma Runeword (JAH+ITH+Ber) on Mage Plate shirt to get 2 to all skill and teleport. If it is too difficult to earn these runewords, you can temporarily use Arcane's Valor or Goldskin.
  • Weapons 1: If you choose to use Sword Class, Breath of the Dying Runeword (Vex+Hel+EL+Eld+ZOD+ETH) on Colossus Blade, for 60% ATTACK Speed, 15% LECH LIFE,+Quite Attributes and important - 25% DEF.

If you choose Spear Class, Breath of the Dying Runeword (Vex+Hel+EL+Eld+ZOD+ETH) on War Pike, give us 60% ATTACK Speed, 15% LECH LIFE,+Quite Attributes and importantly -25% DEF DEF.

  • Weapons 2: 2 Gmwwred Flying Ax with several hundred damg element (Fire, Ice, Lightning) and 30 % Increase Attack Speed. Can be replaced = 2 lacerator winged axe with 33 % Chance to open wound, hit Cause Monster Flee and more importantly % Chance to cast Curse Amplify Damage: -
  • Shield 1: If you use Spear Class, you do not need to pay attention to what Shield does. If using Sword N Shield, Splendor Runeword (ETH+Lum) on Kite Shield or Spirit Runeword (Tal+ThuL+Ort+AMN) to MORNACH to+Add skill for my barb
  • Shield 2: Do not use because my hands have used Dual Throwing Class
  • Belts: Vermungo's Hearty Cord with 15% Damg Reduction, + Blood and Stamina => Belt of Melee Char>
  • Gloves: Steelrend with 10% Chance to Crushing Blow and 20 Str, Venom Grip with 5 % Chance to Crushing Blow or Soul Drainer with Dual Leech 7% and Chance to Cast Curse Weaken. In addition, Dracul's Grasp is also a good choice with high Leech Life, 25 % Chance to Open Wound and Chance to Cast Curse Life Tap 😎
  • Shoes: Gore Rider is always a good choice that comes with Steelrend for Melee Char. 15% Crushing Blow, 15% Deadly Strike, 10% Chance to Open Wound, it helps Barb is terrible now even more terrible
  • Ring: 1 Stone of Jordan and 1 Bul-Kathos's Wedding Band or 2 Rare Ring has + Skill for Barb, Mana, Res, etc.
  • Chain: Mara's Kaleidoscope with 2 to All Skills, Attributes and Res All, or Highlord's Wrath with Deadly Strike. Can replace = Rare Amulet with Barb Skill, Res All ... ..
  • Charm - Charm: Hellfire Tourch Large Charm and Anihilus Small Charm are 2 Must Have. Also, "stuffed" add charm + combat skill and 2 charm + masteries, warcries in, next to charm + blood, res and 1 a little faster run/walk.

This article is for reference only for newbies...

Concentrate Barb

Followed by Berserk Barb will be a completely opposite variant of it>: Concerntrate Barb - Barb uses Concerntrate as the main skill.

I. Introduction:

*Advantage : 

  • Buffalo blood (this one, Mr. Barb is already)))))))))))))), Damg is more huge - more than Frenzy, losing to WW and Berserk a little bit. Besides, even the DEF is also terrible

*Weakness : 

  • Concerntrate is 1 % Magic Damg with 99 % is Phys Damg, Element Damg ==> Concerntrate Barb has obstacles with things like Immu Phys (not much, but % Magic DamG is not soaked), Aura Thorn, Curse Iron Maiden. We can overcome this drawback in part = Berserk, but must suffer the Def Zero
II. Stat build :
  • Str: enough to hold weapons if you choose to use heavy goods like Mace Class, Ax Class. If using compact goods like Sword Class, Spear Class, there is no need to lift too much, items will help us to have more Attributes
  • DEX: If you use Weapon N Shield according to Talic's model on Arreat Summit, you should try to calculate so that Max Block 75 %, about 140-160 dex. If the above figure is too much, we can use the Two Handed Weapon to get high damg, in return, not block. It's up to you
  • Vit: Try to raise its best.
  • Eng: Do not charge point here. Concerntrate cost only 2 mana/hit, and although you still use WW to solve the crowd, but with items with % Mana Stolen Per Hit quite a lot, you don't have to worry much
III. Skill builds :

Warcries Skill

You put 1 point in each of the following skill:

  • Howl
  • Taunt
  • Find Potion (do not worry much about blood)
  • Battle Cry
  • War Cry
  • Battle Command

Also similar to WW Barb.

Besides, it is obvious that you max for the following 2 skill:

  • Shout
  • Battle Orders

Shout increases DEF 1 not small, Battle Orders increases blood and mana. Every Barb must max (used for even party). Besides, Battle Orders resonate with concerntrate> - 10 % damg for 1 lv, no less

Combat Masteries

Add 1 point to each of the following skill:

  • Increased stamina
  • Increased Speed
  • Natural Resistance
  • I.stamina increases Stamina, I.Speed ​​increases the speed for Barb, Natural Resistance increases the resist all for Barb. 3 Skill Must Have of Barb>

Also you should max this parallel to Weapon Mastery and Shout:

  • Iron Skin

We have Concerntrate increasing DEF, Shout increases DEF, so why not use even Iron Skin also increases DEF>?

In 5 Weapon Masteries (excluding Throwing Mastery), you choose which class you really and max for it. But to have a Build Concerntrate Barb, you should put 1 point here:

  • Throwing Mastery

Besides Berserk to fight Immu Phys, Aura Thorn and Curse Iron Maiden, we can use additional weapons. Also because Barb has a double throw skill>

Note: Two Handed Ax Class, Two Handed Mace Class, Two Handed Sword Class N Shield or Spear Class are the top choices. Pole Arm Class is famous for Damg, but here I do not mention because its Attack Rating is not very high, more suitable for WW ... ..


You put 1 point in the following skills:

  • Double Swing (1 point leads to double throw, useful in the first lv)
  • Double Throw
  • Stun
  • Leap
  • Leap Attack
  • Berserk
  • Whirlwind

Next, obviously this max 2 skill:

  • Bash
  • Concentrate

Here we max the bash because it is both resonating for concerntrate, and quite useful with the Knockback function>. And Concerntrate, in addition to increasing damg a lot for our damage also has the effect of increasing DEF>.

Skill lift order:

With the main Skill Concerntrate quite early, along with skill like Bash, Stun, Double Swing, Train LV will not be as difficult as other Barb types. Add 1 point to the necessary and 5-10 point skills for the Weapon Mastery you have chosen. Once you have a concerntrate, try to max it first, then go to Battle Orders and Bash. Weapon Mastery Max parallel to Iron Skin and Shout until Max LV

IV. Items:

Just refer to play, because most of them are poisonous

  • Hat: Arreat's Face Slayer Guard - Unique Barb's Helm with 2 to Barb Skill, 2 to combat skill, Res All 30 and 20 for Str, DEX. Another option is Demonhorn's Edge Destroyer Helm with 10 % ATTACK Speed ​​and 3 to combat, Masteries, Warcries. If not, you can replace = 1 Rare Barb Only Helm with+2 Barb Skills/Run-Walk/Sockets/+All Res/+Stats. Socketed and put in a 1 champa hat.
  • Giap: Chains of Honor Runeword (DOL+UM+BER+IST) on the Archon Plate or Dusk Shroud 3 Socketed with +2 to all Skill, 8% Damage Reduce and 65 to resist all, worth it. If you feel excited, Enigma Runeword (JAH+ITH+Ber) on Mage Plate shirt to get 2 to all skill and teleport. If it is too difficult to earn these runewords, you can temporarily use Arcane's Valor or Goldskin.
  • Weapons 1: If you choose to use Sword N Shield, Breath of the Dying Runeword (Vex+Hel+EL+Eld+ZOD+ETH) on Colossus Blade, for 60% ATTACT ATTACS, 15% LECH LIFE,+Quite Attributes and important is -25% DEF. If you choose Spear Class, you can also use Runeword on

If you choose Ax Class or Mace Class, Doom Runeword (Hel+Ohm+Um+Lo+Cham) on the Champion Ax or Orge Maul with +2 to all Skill, Damage strong and promote Aura Holy Freeze. Another option is also very good, BEAST RUNWORD (Ber+Tir+Um+Mal+Lum) also on the Champion Ax or Orge Maul with Damg is also huge and also promoted Fanaticism Aura> ... ..

  • Weapons 2: 2 Gmwwred Flying Ax with several hundred damg element (Fire, Ice, Lightning) and 30 % Increase Attack Speed. Can replace = 2 Lacerator Winged Axe with 33 % Chance to Open Wound, Hit Cause Monster Flee and more importantly % Chance to cast Curse Amplify Damage
  • Shield 1: If you use Two Handed Ax Class, Mace Class or Spear Class, you don't need to pay attention to Shield. If using Sword N Shield, Splendor Runeword (ETH+Lum) on Kite Shield or Spirit Runeword (Tal+ThuL+Ort+AMN) to MORNACH to+Add skill for my barb
  • Shield 2: Do not use because my hands have used Dual Throwing Class
  • Belts: Vermungo's Hearty Cord with 15% Damg Reduction, + Blood and Stamina => Belt of Melee Char
  • Gloves: Steelrend with 10% Chance to Crushing Blow and 20 Str, Venom Grip with 5 % Chance to Crushing Blow or Soul Drainer with Dual Leech 7% and Chance to Cast Curse Weaken. In addition, Dracul's Grasp is also a good choice with high Leech Life, 25 % Chance to Open Wound and Chance to Cast Curse Life Tap
  • Shoes: Gore Rider is always a good choice that comes with Steelrend for Melee Char. 15% Crushing Blow, 15% Deadly Strike, 10% Chance to Open Wound, it helps Barb is terrible now even more terrible
  • Ring: 1 Stone of Jordan and 1 Bul-Kathos's Wedding Band or 2 Rare Ring has + Skill for Barb, Mana, Res, etc.
  • Chain: Mara's Kaleidoscope with 2 to All Skills, Attributes and Res All, or Highlord's Wrath with Deadly Strike. Can replace = Rare Amulet with Barb Skill, Res All ... ..
  • Charm - Charm: Hellfire Tourch Large Charm and Anihilus Small Charm are 2 Must Have. In addition, "stuffed" add charm + combat skill and 2 charm + masteries, warcries in, besides charm + blood, a little faster run/walk is also okay.

This article is for reference only for newbies...

Thrower Barb: Top Build

Double Throw is a skill that is always necessary to put 1 point in with almost all types of Melee Barb, but in this Build type: Thrower Barb - Barb will use Double Throw as the main skill, with the ability of Range Attack to no less than AMA. Our house.

I. Introduction:

*Advantage : 

  • Máu trâu ( cái này thì ông Barb nào cũng rứa rồi ))) ) , Range Damg vào loại khủng , tốc độ chỉ thua Frenzy 1 chút , ko sợ Iron Maiden , Aura Thorn . In addition, this type of builting "Liu Phi Dao" Ly Tam Hoan (looks not very similar, Muscle)))))) also helps us to be less bored with the familiar Melee screen of Barb>….

*Weakness : 

  • Immu Phys is a fairly large problem. We can solve them with Lacerator Winged Ax's Curse Amplify Damage or Skill Berserk (Def Zero), so the advice here is to avoid it. In addition, it is quite expensive to repair Weapon with the throw speed of Double Throw> ...
II. Stat build :
  • Str: enough to wear clothes. Thrower Barb is not Melee Char so it doesn't need too much str. The string level is at 50-70 is sufficient
  • DEX: Add more points here>. DEX not only increases accuracy, DEF for thrower but also increases damg
  • Vit: Try to raise its best. But it is best to put Point here and DEX in the ratio of 4/6, so that we have both blood and high blood and high damg
  • Eng: Do not charge point here. Double Throw is only 2 mana/hit, if you have a good mana leech, it is almost never to spend mana>
III. Skill builds :

Warcries Skill

You put 1 point in each of the following skill:

  • Howl
  • Taunt
  • Find Potion (do not worry much about blood)
  • Battle Cry
  • War Cry
  • Battle Command

Besides, you max 2 skill following:

  • Shout
  • Battle Orders

In addition to being 2 Barb's Must Have Skill, for Thrower Barb, Shout has a very good DEF lifting effect besides Iron Skin>

Combat Masteries

Add 1 point to each of the following skill:

  • Increased stamina
  • Increased Speed
  • Iron Skin
  • Natural Resistance
  • I.stamina increases Stamina, I.Speed ​​increases the speed for Barb, Iron Skin increases Base Def for Barb itself, and Natural Resistance increases the resist all for Barb. 4 more barb skill of barb

And obviously, this is Thrower Barb so you just max this, the other Weapon Mastery doesn't need:

  • Throwing Mastery


You put 1 point in the following skills:

  • Bash
  • Stun
  • Leap
  • Concentrate
  • Leap Attack
  • Berserk
  • Frenzy

As mentioned above, these skills are very useful when they are still low and anti -immu phys>. I added Frenzy to here for you to get more Attack Speed, Faster Run/Walk before throwing at the opponent.

Besides, Max 2 Skill later to understand why this is Thrower Barb:

  • Double swing
  • Double Throw

Double Swing in addition to the immediate benefit is good at low LV, Skill resonating for double throw, it also has an interesting thing: to a certain lv (according to calculation is the LV 5-6 skill) , you will not lose mana anymore. Double Throw ... don't need to say much>

Skill lift order:

With the main skill Double Throw quite early, plus Bash, Stun, Double Swing, it is not very difficult. Remember 5-6 points to Double Swing first to not have to worry about mana. Add 1 point to the necessary and 5-6 point skills for Throwing Mastery and 5-6 Point for Shout. Try to max Double Throw first, then go to Double Swing and Battle Orders. Throwing Mastery Max is parallel to shout until end game.

IV. Items:

Just refer to play, because most of them are poisonous

  • Hat: Arreat's Face Slayer Guard - Unique Barb's Helm with 2 to Barb Skill, 2 to combat skill, Res All 30 and 20 for Str, DEX. Another option is Demonhorn's Edge Destroyer Helm with 10 % ATTACK Speed ​​and 3 to combat, Masteries, Warcries. If not, you can replace = 1 Rare Barb Only Helm with+2 Barb Skills/Run-Walk/Sockets/+All Res/+Stats. Socketed and put in a 1 champa hat.
  • Giap: Chains of Honor Runeword (DOL+UM+BER+IST) on the Archon Plate or Dusk Shroud 3 Socketed with +2 to all Skill, 8% Damage Reduce and 65 to resist all, worth it. If you feel excited, Enigma Runeword (JAH+ITH+Ber) on Mage Plate shirt to get 2 to all skill and teleport. If it is too difficult to earn these runewords, you can temporarily use Arcane's Valor or Goldskin.
  • Gas 1: 2 Warshrike Winged Knife trees with 50 % Deadly Strike, Piercing Attack, 30 % Increase Attack Speed
  • Weapons 2: 2 Gmwwred Flying Ax with several hundred damg element (Fire, Ice, Lightning) and 30 % Increase Attack Speed. Can be replaced = 2 lacerator winged axe with 33 % Chance to open wound, hit Cause Monster Flee and more importantly % Chance to cast Curse Amplify Damage: -
  • Shield 1 and Shield 2: Both hands are dual throwing class, no use>
  • Belts: Vermungo's Hearty Cord with 15% Damg Reduction, + Blood and Stamina. Another option is also quite suitable for the Range Char is Razortail Sharkskin Belt with a decent amount of DEX and Piercing Attack - Xuyen Apple
  • Gloves: Steelrend with 10% Chance to Crushing Blow and 20 Str, Venom Grip with 5 % Chance to Crushing Blow or Soul Drainer with Dual Leech 7% and Chance to Cast Curse Weaken. In addition, Dracul's Grasp is also a good choice with high Leech Life, 25 % Chance to Open Wound and Chance to Cast Curse Life Tap 😎
  • Shoes: Gore Rider is always a good choice that comes with Steelrend for Melee Char. 15% Crushing Blow, 15% Deadly Strike, 10% Chance to Open Wound, it helps Barb are terrible now more terrible>
  • Ring: 1 Stone of Jordan and 1 Bul-Kathos's Wedding Band or 2 Rare Ring has + Skill for Barb, Mana, Res, etc.
  • Chain: Mara's Kaleidoscope with 2 to All Skills, Attributes and Res All, or Highlord's Wrath with Deadly Strike. Can replace = Rare Amulet with Barb Skill, Res All ... ..
  • Charm - Charm: Hellfire Tourch Large Charm and Anihilus Small Charm are 2 Must Have. In addition, "stuffed" add charm + combat skill and 2 charm + masteries, warcries in, besides charm + blood, a little faster run/walk is also okay.

This article is for reference only for newbies...

Whirlwind Barb

I will introduce another Melee Char is also very popular: Barbarian

That is Barb's most popular building type: WW Barb - Barb using Skill Whirlwind as the main attack skill

I. Introduction:

*Advantage : 

  • Buffalo blood, damg, high def, Crowd Control - Beat the best crowd of Melee Char. When PvP, rare anyone can bear to win 1 stun + 1 WW, unless it is another Barb or Shapeshift Stop .

*Weakness : 

  • Disadvantages against the Immu Phys, Pal's Aura Thorn and Oblivion Knight in Chaos Sanstuary with Curse Iron Maiden>. Can destroy them with Skill Berserk - beat Magic Damg, but pay with Def Zero ... ..
II. Stat build :
  • Str: enough to hold weapons if you choose to use heavy goods such as Mace Class, Ax Class, Pole Arm Class. If using compact goods like Sword Class, Spear Class, there is no need to lift too much, items will help us to have more Attributes
  • DEX: If you use Weapon N Shield according to Talic's model on Arreat Summit, you should try to calculate so that Max Block 75 %, about 140-160 dex. If the above figure is too much, we can use the Two Handed Weapon to get high damg, in return, not block. It's up to you
  • Vit: Try to raise its best.
  • Eng: Do not waste Point here although WW is quite expensive mana. You will have more mana from items and even not spending a bit of mana when using WW with items with % mana stolen per hit quite quite quite.
III. Skill builds :

Warcries Skill

You put 1 point in each of the following skill:

  • Howl
  • Taunt
  • Find Potion (do not worry much about blood)
  • Battle Cry
  • War Cry
  • Battle Command

Howl helps to disperse the crowd. Taunt is used to treat Range Monster, making them close to themselves and only using Melee Attack attacks. Battle Cry reduces the opponent's def and damg and War Cry as a monster stun + loses a small amount of blood. Battle command does not have to explain much: it has the uses + 1 to all skill your level in a period of time

Besides, you max 2 skill following:

  • Shout
  • Battle Orders

Shout increases DEF 1 not small, Battle Orders increases blood and mana. Build barb must be max (used for even party)

Combat Masteries

Add 1 point to each of the following skill:

  • Increased stamina
  • Increased Speed
  • Iron Skin
  • Natural Resistance
  • I.stamina increases Stamina, I.Speed ​​increases the speed for Barb, Iron Skin increases Base Def for Barb itself, and Natural Resistance increases the resist all for Barb. 4 more barb skill of barb

In 5 Weapon Masteries (excluding Throwing Mastery), you choose which class you really and max for it. But to have a Build WW Barb is quite complete, you should put 1 point here:

  • Throwing Mastery

Besides Berserk to fight Immu Phys, Aura Thorn and Curse Iron Maiden, we can use additional weapons. Also because Barb has a double throw skill

Note: Only one of the following 2 types of weapon should be selected: Two Handed Sword Class, Pole Arm Class. Also if you like, the Spear Class is also very good with high accuracy. But how to use Sword N Shield with Two Handed Sword? You can let Barb hold 2 Two Handed Sword in two hands, and can also hold 1 Two Handed Sword and 1 Shield Thanh


You put 1 point in the following skills:

  • Bash
  • Double Swing (1 point leads to double throw, useful in the first lv)
  • Double Throw
  • Stun
  • Leap
  • Concentrate
  • Leap Attack
  • Berserk

Hey, Bash makes a knockback. Stun did ... Stun. Leap helps us to play cards, raided unexpectedly with the ability to knockout. Leap Attack is a more advanced variant of Leap but ends with a slash at the opponent (very suitable for hitting Mephisto). Concerntrate increases damg, increasing DEF for each shot. Finally, Berserk helps us through Hell Trot. Double Throw does not need much explanation, its uses mentioned above

And of course, already WW (E) Barb must max this skill:

  • Whirlwind

Perhaps there is no need to introduce much about this skill, because when needed you can go to Arreat Summit, Act V to see the free talic performance. Yes, turning and moving to a crowd of monsters, slashing all that is on the way, that is WW.

Skill lift order:

With the main Skill WW (LV30), it seems that the low LV time is a bit miserable, but with skills like Bash, Stun, Double Swing, Barb will overcome easily. Add 1 point to the necessary and 5-10 point skills for the Weapon Mastery you have chosen. Once WW, try to max WW first, then go to Battle Orders and Shout. Weapon Mastery Max last until max lv

IV. Items:

Just refer to play, because most of them are poisonous

  • Hat: Arreat's Face Slayer Guard - Unique Barb's Helm with 2 to Barb Skill, 2 to combat skill, Res All 30 and 20 for Str, DEX. If not, you can replace = 1 Rare Barb Only Helm with+2 Barb Skills/Run-Walk/Sockets/+All Res/+Stats. Socketed and put in a 1 champa hat.
  • Giap: Enigma Runeword (JAH+ITH+Ber) on Mage Plate or Dusk Shroud 3 Socketed. With the Teleport skill, there is from Enigma, WW (E) Barb has more power and more tactics. However, if it is too difficult to earn this runeword, you can temporarily use Arcane's Valor or Goldskin.
  • Weapons 1: If you choose to use Sword N Shield, Breath of the Dying Runeword (Vex+Hel+EL+Eld+ZOD+ETH) on Colossus Blade, for 60% ATTACT ATTACS, 15% LECH LIFE,+Quite Attributes and important is -25% DEF to compensate for damg when comparing Sword Class and Pole Arm Class. If you choose Pole ARM Class, Doom Runeword (Hel+Ohm+Um+Lo+Cham) on Great Poleaxe tree with +2 to all skill, strong damage and promotion Aura Holyze
  • Weapons 2: 2 Gmwwred Flying Ax with several hundred damg element (Fire, Ice, Lightning) and 30 % Increase Attack Speed. Can be replaced = 2 lacerator winged axe with 33 % Chance to open wound, hit Cause Monster Flee and more importantly % Chance to cast Curse Amplify Damage: -
  • Shield 1: If you use Pole ARM Class, you don't need to pay attention to Shield. If using Sword N Shield, Splendor Runeword (ETH+Lum) on Kite Shield or Spirit Runeword (Tal+ThuL+Ort+AMN) to MORNACH to+Add skill for my barb
  • Shield 2: Do not use because my hands have used Dual Throwing Class
  • Belts: Vermungo's Hearty Cord with 15% Damg Reduction, + Blood and Stamina => Belt of Melee Char
  • Gloves: Steelrend with 10% Chance to Crushing Blow and 20 Str, Venom Grip with 5 % Chance to Crushing Blow or Soul Drainer with Dual Leech 7% and Chance to Cast Curse Weaken. In addition, Dracul's Grasp is also a good choice with high Leech Life, 25 % Chance to Open Wound and Chance to Cast Curse Life Tap
  • Shoes: Gore Rider is always a good choice that comes with Steelrend for Melee Char. 15% Crushing Blow, 15% Deadly Strike, 10% Chance to Open Wound, it helps Barb is terrible now even more terrible
  • Ring: 1 Stone of Jordan and 1 Bul-Kathos's Wedding Band or 2 Rare Ring has + Skill for Barb, Mana, Res, etc.
  • Chain: Mara's Kaleidoscope with 2 to All Skills, Attributes and Res All, or Highlord's Wrath with Deadly Strike. Can replace = Rare Amulet with Barb Skill, Res All ... ..
  • Charm - Charm: Hellfire Tourch Large Charm and Anihilus Small Charm are 2 Must Have. In addition, "stuffed" add charm + combat skill and 2 charm + masteries, warcries in, besides charm + blood, a little faster run/walk is also okay.

This article is for reference only for newbies...

Singer Barb

After getting bored with regular Barb types, today we will change the dish a bit with: Singer Barb - Barb using Warcries Skill and War Cry as the main skill.

I. Introduction:

*Advantage :

  • Buffalo blood (this one, Mr. Barb is already: -), Crowd Control is better than WW and Frenzy with the ability to make stun in large quantities and for quite a long time. When playing multi, due to the ability to buff mana, blood, def were utilized, this is an indispensable member in the Party

*Weakness : 

  • Damg is not as tall as other wild brothers, still afraid of Immu Phys even though they still make stun them ===> Berserk is the best solution, even if you defeat it and zero but you don't have to worry when They have been stun>
II. Stat build :
  • Str: enough to wear clothes. Singer Barb does not need too much Str because it is calculated as a caster char. Your Str level stops at 50-60
  • DEX: Don't need much. Your DEX level stops at 50-60, and if you don't feel very secure, you can use more shield to get more Block DEF
  • Vit: Try to raise its best. But it is best to put Point here and Eng with 4/6 ratio, so that we have both blood and high blood and high damg
  • Eng: War Cry is quite expensive mana/hit, so you should put many points here in the 4/6 ratio on
III. Skill builds :

Warcries Skill

You put 1 point in each of the following skill:

  • Find Potion (do not worry much about blood)
  • Battle Command

Besides, you max the following skills:

  • Howl
  • Taunt
  • Shout
  • Battle Orders
  • Battle Cry
  • War Cry

Howl, Taunt, Battle Cry are 3 resonant skills for War Cry. In addition, they are also quite useful for the crowd of monsters. Battle Orders and Shout always have to max at any Barb

Combat Masteries

Add 1 point to each of the following skill:

  • Increased stamina
  • Increased Speed
  • Iron Skin
  • Natural Resistance
  • I.stamina increases Stamina, I.Speed ​​increases the speed for Barb, Iron Skin increases Base Def for Barb itself, and Natural Resistance increases the resist all for Barb. 4 more barb skill of barb

As for Weapon Mastery, you add 1 point in:

  • Mace Mastery

The reason why I will say in the items


You put 1 point in the following skills:

  • Bash
  • Stun
  • Leap
  • Concentrate
  • Leap Attack
  • Berserk

Here we will use mainly Berserk and Concerntrate with Mace Mastery, coordinate with War Cry when hitting Boss, playing Immu Phys

Skill lift order:

With the main Skill War Cry (LV30), the first time will be quite difficult with Singer Barb. After you have War Cry, you try to max it first, then Battle Cry and Battle Orders. Remember 1 point in the necessary skills. Finally, you Max Howl, Taunt, Shout parallel to each other to end game

IV. Items:

Just refer to play, because most of them are poisonous

  • Hat: Arreat's Face Slayer Guard - Unique Barb's Helm with 2 to Barb Skill, 2 to combat skill, Res All 30 and 20 for Str, DEX. Another option Wolfhowl Fury Visor with 3 to Warcries, 15 to Str, DEX, VIT and can turn into Werewolf to… .. Run quickly. If not, you can replace = 1 Rare Barb Only Helm with+2 Barb Skills/Run-Walk/Sockets/+All Res/+Stats. Socketed and put in a 1 champa hat.
  • Giap: Chains of Honor Runeword (DOL+UM+BER+IST) on the Archon Plate or Dusk Shroud 3 Socketed with +2 to all Skill, 8% Damage Reduce and 65 to resist all, worth it. If you feel excited, Enigma Runeword (JAH+ITH+Ber) on Mage Plate shirt to get 2 to all skill and teleport. If it is too difficult to earn all of these Runeword, you can temporarily use Arcane's Valor or Skin of the Viper Magi.
  • Weapon 1: 2 Wizardpike Bone Knife trees with 50 % FCR, 1 huge mana and 75 % Res All. The second choice for those well -offs is 2 Heart of the Oak Runework (Ko+Vex+Pul+Thuul) with 3 to all Skills, 40 % FCR, 35 % RES ALL .
  • Weapons 2: Ribcracker Stalagmite - 1 Unique Staff is a bit monstrous - I use the strange word because it is all the ops of 1 Melee Char: 50 % Increase Attack Speed, 50 % Chance to crushing blow (), and 50 % Faster Hit Recovery. This is why I told a point to Mace Mastery - which included the Staff Class in>. With this dish that beat Berserk is very interesting
  • Shield 1: If you use Dual Wizardpike or Dual Hoto, you do not need to pay attention. But if you are not assured of the DEF, you can hold a Wizardpike Bone Knife or a Heart of the Oak Runework together with Splendor Runeword (ETH+Lum) on Kite Shield or Spirit Runework (Tal+Thuul+Ort+AMN) on Mornach To + add skill for my barb
  • Shield 2: Using Ribcracker is 2 handed weapon already, for this item: -
  • Belts: Arachnid Meshideb Sash brings 5% Increase in Mana, 20% FCR, 1 to All Skills
  • Gloves: MageFist Light Gaunlet with Mana Regen, FCR. The second option is Frostburn Gaunlet, giving you a large amount of mana
  • Shoes: Silkweave Mesh Boots is very good if you need a lot of mana, and Water Walk Sharksin Boots gives you blood and Fire Resply
  • Ring: 2 Stone of Jordan or 2 Rare Ring has + Skill for Barb, Mana, Res, etc.
  • Chain: Mara's Kaleidoscope with 2 to All Skills, Attributes and Res All, or Highlord's Wrath with Deadly Strike. Can replace = Rare Amulet with Barb Skill, Res All ... ..
  • Charm - Charm: Hellfire Tourch Large Charm and Anihilus Small Charm are 2 Must Have. In addition, "stuffed" add charm + Warcries skill and 2 charm + masteries, besides charm + blood, a little faster run/walk is also okay.

This article is for reference only for newbies...

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