Orb Upgrade Item Level - Unique Upgrade Orb is a newer and stronger upgrade version than ...

Summary of Changelog Update S23
Changelog 8.7.19#1 04/03 Content Update: ⚙️ Fix the error can not pick up the quest and items without trade ...

🔥 Event Kill Boss - Tracing Wang 🔥
⚡ Join the monumental boss hunt, accumulate points and win valuable rewards! ⚡ 📅 ...

📢 Overview of S23 - Urzael🔥
📢 Overview of update s22 => S23 🔥 Hello Diablo 2 Tyrael Might! ⚔️The owner S23 ...

Event S23: Like - Comment - Tag 3 Friends
Time: Instructions like + Comment: Requirements: Do the correct rules of the article. Will apply the ...

Notice update Season 23 - Urzael
🔥 Officially opened on March 3! 🔥 Hello Diablo warriors, Season 23 D2TM is ready ...

Changelog 8.7.18#3
[Update content #2 (morning 24.01.2025)]
- Cold Masteri skill can now penetrate Immu (update similar to D2R). (When meeting Monster, you can only break Immu with numbers
- Paladin's Conversion Up skill is resonated with Weapon Damage, when touching the boss, there will be a Miss ratio of up to 50%. (Currently Miss 70% for boss)
- You lost the item, and accidentally forced the charm to charm like Lich King, Azmodaz, Devil Anni. Please contact Fanpage for a refund. For the best, please upload charm to the market and contact the fanpage to leave a message and account. (Currently for the Lunar New Year, the support force is also limited, so when sending the message, please specify what the content to do).
- Example: It is necessary to support the conversion of pressed stack / need support to restore Charm Top - Wing.
- Ask to upload charm to the market and send back the ID with the support message. When the recovery is complete, the item will appear in your Inventory Web.
- In case of being required to support: Lost Charm Top, Charm Aura, the case has squeezed stack into Charm Extra Quest Lich King, Uber 2 and Anni 2.

Changelog Update 8.7.18#1
Dear players, we would like to notify the content changes in the update ...

Changelog Update 8.7.18
Changelog Update 8.7.18:
- Completing the Wiki system.
- Update and add new Runeword: Last Wish, Chain of Honor, Bramble, Dragon, Fortitude, Fury, Eternity, and support Runework for Items Throwing.
- Wing Charm and Aura Charm can upgrade.
- Fix system error: Sell item Act 1, reduce the strength of Boss Lich King, improve game performance.
Best regards,
Development team

New adventure journey: Season 22 is about to open!
Season 22 has come! Prepare luggage, recuses power and enters the world of Diablo 2 Vietnam - where attractive challenges and rewards are waiting for you. Welcome back to endless adventure!