Azmodan Boss

MAP: Realm of Sin – Azmodan

by GMSuzug in

The continuation of Chaos Uber (also known as Uber Tristram) where heroes can demonstrate that they have conquered and receive valuable rewards are Hellfire Tourch and Standard of Heroes. But the war is not yet over, once again the Dark Summoning ritual is performed by a Sin Lord who can be considered the Strongest. He plots to take advantage of the Worldstone's power. A stone containing the souls of all-powerful Demons that was once used by Lilith (Succubi Queen) to perform the Summoning Darkness ritual in the mortal realm that brought Diablo back to spread Pandemonium throughout Sanctuary.

Assassin Phoenix Build - Cold

Assassin Build – Assassin Phoenix Cold

by GMSuzug in

Char is popular for its diversity, can be used very well in both long distance and close combat, which is: Assassin Build - Assassin Phoenix strike Cold Build. I would like to start with the charge-up Sin build, the first of which is PHOENIX STRIKE SIN, using Phoenix Strike combined with Blade of Ices.


Assassin Build – Assassin Blade Fury

by GMSuzug in

A popular character in terms of diversity, extremely good distance attack with Ninja style. The favorite build of diabloers that is popular with Skills is Blade Fury - Ninjaaaa-style shuriken.


Changelog update 8.7.9

by GMSuzug in

[Server maintenance]
– Time: 16:00 (June 27, 2024)
– Maintenance time: 15 – 30 minutes
[Maintenance content]

General information
– Fix the bug of Sorc Skills Upgrade Fire not being able to cast Skills.
– Souls Shop: Add Exp Bottles sold for 8000 Souls
– Added new Option: Finish Move is added to new items Jadetalon Upgrade (Can Search Phoenix Assassin D2R) to refer to this gameplay!!!
– Buff Mercenary Act2: Increases Base Damage by 30% (Adjusts Hire's AOE Skills)

Edit Items
* Nether Crow Upgrade: From 1 - 2 soc to 1 - 3 soc
* Corona Upgrade: From 1 - 2 SOC to 1 - 3 SOC
* Shadowkiller Claws: From 1 - 2 soc to 1 - 3 soc
* SpiritKeeper Upgrade: Earth Spirit
– Random 3 Skill Class Druid Become 0 – 3 Tornado (Druid Only)
– Add 0 – 30% Extra Cold
– Add 0 – 10 -Res Enemy Cold
* Nightwing's Veil Upgrade: Spired Helm
– 5 Res Cold becomes -0-15 Res Cold
* Shadow Claw Upgrade:
– Add 0-20% Extra Random Element (Light Cold Fire)
– Add 0-10 – Resistant Random Element (Light Cold Fire)
– Change Ias to FCR

Add new Items
* Mighty Scepter: The Redeemer (x3 Unique The Redeemer + 1 Ohm Rune)
* Mighty Scepter: Heaven's Light (x3 Unique Heaven's Light + 1 Ohm Rune)
* Zakarum Shield: Dragonscale (x3 Unique Dragonscale + 1 Ohm Rune)
* Tyrant Club: Demon Limb (x3 Unique Demon Limb + 1 Ohm Rune)
* Truncheon: Nord's Tenderizer (x3 Unique Nord's Tenderizer + 1 Ohm Rune)
* Jade Talon Upgrade: (x3 UniqueJade Talon+ 1 Ohm Rune)

Edit Orb formula
* 7 Normal Orb + Magic recipe + 2 Ring unique + Ohm Rune = Magic Orb
* 7 Magic Orb + Chaos Recipe + 4 Amu Unique + x2 Ohm Rune = Chaos Orb
* 7 Chaos Orb + Uni Recipe + 8 Amu Unique + x3 Ohm Rune = Uni Orb
* 7 Unique Orb + Legend Recipe + 8 Unique Amu + 8 Unique Ring + x4 Ohm Rune = Legend Orb

Edit Skills
* Necromancer Skills
Lower Resistant Charm: Added – Res Magic
* Amazon Skills
Multi Arrow: Fix Mana Cost reduced to 20.
* Druid Skills
Volcano: Increases 30% Fire Skills
* Paladin Skills
Fix Blessed Hammer: Skills effects have been changed.
Fist of The Heaven (Paladin Skill):
– Increases base damage to 20%, Bonus Skills increase by 5% per skill (Including 20% Holy. Bolt and 12% Holy Shock)
– Increased 20% dmg Skill Upgrade Warth Of Thunder
Aura Sanctuary (Paladin Skill):
– Fixed the Damage receiving function similar to the Aura Concentration mechanism
* Assassin Skills
Trap Lightning: Adds 1 Beam from Trap
Trap Wake of Fire
– Increases 30% Fire Damage
– Increase Shooting Times from 6 to 8 times
New Skill Trap Ice Dragon Sentinel: Replaces Skill Wake of Inferno
Phoenix: Increases 20% Damage



by administrator in

FOH is a skill that deals lightning damage and magic damage (magic damage is shown in the form of holy bolts fired at the same time as FOH and only works on undead monsters). But it is one of Pally's few caster-type skills, helping you avoid having to get close to fight monsters or melee players.