Mercenary Orb
by GMSuzug in
News Items

Mercenary Orb Upgrade Level

– Mercenary Orb Upgrade is a newer and more powerful upgraded version compared to Upgrade Items.
– There are a total of 5 Levels.
Mercenary Orb Upgrade contains from 1 - 3 Options.
Mercenary Orb Upgrade can use Copper Quartz to Roll out the Option you want. (Buy at Shop )

General formula

Cube Soul Recipe:


  • Recipe purchased in Akara.
  • Fragments used for Mercenary Orb will be farmed on the Azmodan map.
  • Fragment of Cursed + Fragment Destruction + Fragment of Slyness + Fragment of Abjuration + Fragment Of Fogotten Soul + Ohm Rune + Recipe Normal Soul = Normal Soul
  • Normal Soul x7 + Lo Rune + Recipe Magic Soul = Magic Soul
  • Magic Soul x7 + Sur Rune + Recipe Rare Soul = Rare Soul
  • Rare Soul x6 + Ber Rune + Recipe Unique Soul = Unique Soul
  • Unique Set Soul x5 + Jah Rune + Reipre Set Soul = Set Soul
STATS Orb Mercenary :

Level 1 :

  • + 0 – 1 Mer Skills
  • + 3% – 10% Life
  • Random % Damage

Level 2 :

  • + 0 – 2 Mer Skills
  • + 3% – 10% Life
  • Random % Damage

Level 3 :

  • + 0 – 3 Mer Skills
  • + 10% – 20% Life
  • Random % Damage

Level 4 :

  • + 0 – 4 Mer Skills
  • + 10% – 25% Life
  • Random % Damage

Level 5 :

  • + 0 – 5 Mer Skills
  • + 10% – 30% Life
  • Random % Damage

Random % Damage includes: Enhanced Damage – Light – Cold – Fire

* Enhanced Damage

  • Level 1 : 10 – 100%
  • Level 2 : 10 – 100%
  • Level 3 : 10 – 100%
  • Level 4 : 10 – 200%
  • Level 5 : 10 – 200%

* Random Elemental Damage (Light Cold Fire)

  • Level 1 : 1 – 10%
  • Level 2 : 1 – 10%
  • Level 3 : 1 – 10%
  • Level 4 : 1 – 10%
  • Level 5 : 1 – 10%

Cube Mercenary Orb Upgrade Recipe

  • Level 1: x3 Normal Soul + Ohm Rune + x3 Mecenary Item Upgrade (Whichever belongs to you, use that Item)
  • Level 2: x3 Magic Soul + Sur Rune + x4 Mecenary Item Upgrade (Whichever belongs to you, use that Item)
  • Level 3: x2 Rare Soul + Ber Rune + x5 Mecenary Item Upgrade (Whichever belongs to you, use that Item)
  • Level 4: x2 Unique Soul + Jah Rune + x6 Mecenary Item Upgrade (Whichever belongs to you, use that Item)
  • Level 5: x1 Set Soul + Cham Rune + x7 Mecenary Item Upgrade (Whichever belongs to you, use that Item)

Separation formula Mercenary Orb

Cube : Cup Mercenary Upgrade Orb Leaving Items still retains its index Mercenary Upgrade Orb and Item:

  • Item contains Orb + 2 Key 99 = Split Orb

Cube : Separate Level of Merc Upgrade Orb and gets Random when split Mercenary Orb Upgrade:

  • Level 1: None
  • Level 2 : Mercenary Upgrade Orb Level 2 + Key 99 = Mercenary Orb Upgrade Level 1 – 2 have Random index
  • Level 3 : Mercenary Upgrade Orb Level 3 + x2 Key 99 = Mercenary Orb Upgrade Level 1 – 2 – 3 have Random index
  • Level 4 : Mercenary Upgrade Orb Level 4 + x3 Key 99 = Mercenary Orb Upgrade Levels 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 have Random indexes
  • Level 5 : Mercenary Upgrade Orb Level 5 + x4 Key 99 = Mercenary Orb Upgrade Level 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 have Random index

Instructions for PLANTING and Putting into Socket Mercenary Item Upgrade

Mercenary Orb Upgrade :

  • Apply general formula to create Mercenary Orb Upgrade .
  • Right-click Orb Level 1 and hit Orb Level 2 to upgrade. (If you want to be at a disadvantage to play Level 2, it's not a problem).
  • As soon as you are satisfied, you can put it directly into Socket Unique Items.


  • Each Item has its own name when Cube 1 Mercenary Orb Upgrade.
  • Each Item can only be used once Mercenary Orb Upgrade.
  • Also can be separated Mercenary Orb Upgrade from Level 5 to Level 4 3 2 1 and all stats changed.
  • Refer to the General Formula heading.

Instructions for Roll Mercenary Orb Upgrade


  • Mercenary Orb Upgrade can use Copper Quartz to Roll out the Option you want. (Buy at Shop D2VN)

Cube Formula:

  • Mercenary Orb lvl 1: Mercenary Orb lvl 1 + Cooper Quartz
  • Mercenary Orb lvl 2: Mercenary Orb lvl 2 + Cooper Quartz
  • Mercenary Orb lvl 3: Mercenary Orb lvl 3 + Cooper Quartz
  • Mercenary Orb lvl 4: Mercenary Orb lvl 4 + Cooper Quartz
  • Mercenary Orb lvl 5: Mercenary Orb lvl 5 + Cooper Quartz

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