by GMSuzug in
News Items

To find Mercenary Materials, focus mainly on Azmodan – Extra Quest

Mercenary Item Upgrade

– Mercenary Item Upgrade is a newer and more powerful upgraded version than Unique Items.
- Each Unique Upgrade Orb Level contains from 1 - 2 Options.
– Unique Upgrade Orb can use Copper Quartz to Roll out the Option you want. (Buy at Shop )


  • Materials to Upgrade are found in Extra Quest – Lich King Map.

Reference image

Item order includes:
  • Rogue Scout : Mercenary Act 1
  • Desert Greiz : Mercenary Act 2
  • Iron Wolve : Mercenary Act 3
  • Bul-Kathos' Barbarian : Mercenary Act 5
Special option:

The Aura Random include:

  • Aura Might – Thorns – Blessed Aim – Concentration – Sanctuary – Fanaticism – Conviction – Holy Shock – Holy Fire – Holy Freeze – Prayer – Defiance – Cleansing – Vigor – Meditation – Redemption – Resist Fire – Resist Cold – Resist Lightning – Salvation

Mercenaries Base Damage = Increase direct damage for Mercenary

Mercenaries Skills Levels = Increase Mercenary's Skills

General formula

Cube Formula Orb Mercenary (Ingredients to create Mercenary Upgrade Item):

To make pairing Orb easier, people can Search Google as follows (For example: Orphan's Call ) will reveal all the items everyone is looking for.

  • Wilhelm's Pride + Guillaume's Face + Whitstan's Guard + Magnus' Skin = Orphan's Call Orb
  • Hwanin's Justice + Hwanin's Refuge + Hwanin's Splendor + Hwanin's Blessing = Hwanin's Majesty Orb
  • Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer + Sazabi's Ghost Liberator + Sazabi's Mental Sheath = Sazabi's Grand Tribute Orb
  • Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge + Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian = Bul-Kathos' Children Orb

Cube Formula Mercenary Items

Note: Normal Orb compound words Fragment 1 2 3 4 5 Found in Extra Quest – Lich King Map

  • Orphan's Call Orb + Ohm Rune + Normal Orb = Rogue Scout (Act 1)
  • Hwanin's Majesty Orb + Ohm Rune + Normal Orb = Desert Greiz (Act 2)
  • Sazabi's Grand Tribute Orb + 2x Vex Rune + Normal Orb = Iron Wolf (Act 3)
  • Bul-Kathos' Children Orb + Ohm Rune + Normal Orb = Bul-Kathos' Barbarian (Act 5)

Roll Instructions Mercenary Orb Upgrade


  • Soul Stone can be purchased at Shop D2VN for 20,000 Fgold

Cube Reroll Recipe Mercenary Items

  • Rogue Scout (Reroll) Reroll : Rogue Scout Reroll + Soul Stone
  • Desert Greiz (Reroll): Desert Greiz + Soul Stone
  • Iron Wolf (Reroll): Iron Wolf + Soul Stone
  • Bul-Kathos' Barbarian (Reroll) : Bul-Kathos' Barbarian + Soul Stone

Instructions for Using Jeweler Socket for Mercenary Item Upgrade

Reference photo


  • Jeweler Socket Weapon can be purchased at the Soul Shop for 8000 Souls
  • Use the right mouse button to drill the Socket Weapon you want.

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