Azmodan Torch
by GMSuzug in
News Treasure items


Azmodan Torch Charm is a reward item from the quest The Lord Of Sin – Azmodan. Can be upgraded to Azmodan Orb Hard – God – Transcendent when fighting in the modes in the supplement.

Key formula: CUBE


  • Recipe is sold at Shop Akara !!!

Types of Keys available

  1. Key of Cursed = Key of Terror x3 – Hate x3 – Destruction x3 + Lo Rune + Recipe Key of Cursed
  2. Key of Slyness = Key of Cursed x5 + Ber Rune + Recipe Key of Slyness
  3. Key of Abjuration = Key of Slyness x4 + Jah Rune + Recipe Key of Abjuration

Azmodan Torch Recipe – orb : Cube

  1. Azmodan Torch Upgrade: Reward HT Normal x2 + Hellfire Torch
  2. Azmodan Orb Hard: Hellfire Torch + Reward Azmodan Hard x2 + Ber Rune + Key of Cursed x2
  3. Azmodan Orb God: Hellfire Torch + Reward Azmodan God x2 + Jah Rune + Key of Slyness x2
  4. Azmodan Orb Transcendent: Hellfire Torch + Reward Azmodan Transcendent x1 +Cham Rune + Key of Abjuration x2

Reroll Items


  • Soul Stone is sold in Shop D2VN for 20,000 FGOLD
  • Cooper Quartz is sold in the Shop for 6,000 FGOLD


  • Azmodan Torch = Lich King's Sword + Soul Stone
  • Azmodan Orb Hard Upgrade Hard = Lich King's Sword + Soul Stone
  • Azmodan Orb God = Lich King's Sword + Soul Stone
  • Azmodan Orb Transcentdent = Lich King's Sword + Soul Stone

Stats of Azmodan Orb Upgrade

Note: Upgrade will accumulate options when you right-click in the order from Orb Hard => Orb God => Orb Transcendent.

Azmodan Torch

Basic index

  • 0 – 2 All Skills
  • 3 – 10% Life Mana
  • 10 – 20 Alltribute
  • 0 – 20% All Res
  • 1 – 10 – Res Element Physical, Magic, Poison
  • 0 – 50 Bonus Life Summon
  • 0 – 50 Bonus Dmg Summon
Azmodan Orb Hard

Basic index

  • 0 – 1 All Skills
  • – 3 – 15% – Res Element Physic, Magic, Poison
  • 1 – 15% Life Or Mana
  • 0 – 100 Bonus Life Summon
  • 0 – 100 Bonus Dmg Summon
Azmodan Orb God

Basic index

  • 0 – 2 All Skills
  • – 5 – 25% – Res Element Physic, Magic, Poison
  • 5 – 25% Life Or Mana
  • 0 – 200 Bonus Life Summon
  • 0 – 200 Bonus Dmg Summon
Azmodan Orb Transcendent

Basic index

  • 0 – 4 All Skills
  • 10 – 40% – Res Element Physic, Magic, Poison
  • 10 – 40% Life Or Mana
  • – 400 Bonus Life Summon
  • 0 – 400 Bonus Dmg Summon

Video Instructions

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