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Summary of commonly used cube formulas at D2TM (Diablo 2 Tyrael Mights). There is a quick lookup here.
Formula list:
Unique Upgrade Item
List of Unique Upgrades see here.
Unique Upgraded Items | Unique Level 2 | x3 for Item Qlvl 85 + Ohm rune x6 for items < Qlvl 85 + Ohm rune |
Upgrade Jewel
Jewel Upgraded | Includes Light-Cold-Fire-Poison-Magic-Physical Life – Mana | x5 Jewel of the same type + Magic Orb + Vex Rune |
Jewel Teleport | Upgraded Jewel Teleport | x6 Jewel 1 Any + Magic Orb + Jah + Ber Rune |
1. Fragment – Normal – Magic – Chaos – Unique – Legend Orb (For items upgrade)
- Shared ingredients for Unique Upgrade Item, Orb Unique Upgrade
Use to press cube formula:
Normal Orb | Normal Orb = 5 Frag + Normal Orb Recipe + 2 Unique Ring |
Magic Orb | Magic Orb = 7 Normal Orb + Magic Orb Recipe + 2 Unique Ring + 1 Ohm Rune |
Chaos Orb | Chaos Orb = 7 Magic Orb + Chaos Orb Recipe + 4 Unique Amulet + 2 Ohm Rune |
Unique Orb | Unique Orb = 7 Chaos Orb + Unique Orb Recipe + 8 Unique Amulet + 3 Ohm Rune |
Legend Orb | Legend Orb = 7 Unique Orb + Legend Orb Recipe + 8 Unique Ring + 8 Unique Amulet + 4 Ohm Rune |
2. Orb uNIQUE Upgrade :
- Used for Unique Item Upgrade: Attach directly to Item with Socket.
Unique Upgrade Orb Level 1 | Unique Level 1 | x2 Unique 2 + Lo Rune + 2 Normal Orb |
Unique Upgrade Orb Level 2 | Unique Level 2 | x4 Unique 2 + Sur Rune + 2 Magic Orb |
Unique Upgrade Orb Level 3 | Unique Level 3 | x6 Unique 2 + Ber Rune + 4 Magic Orb |
Unique Upgrade Orb Level 4 | Unique Level 4 | x8 Unique 2 + x2 Ber Rune + 8 Magic Orb |
Unique Upgrade Orb Level 5 | Unique Level 5 | x10 Unique 2 + Jah Rune + 1 Chaos Orb |
Grand Charm Set
- Use as normal Charm.
Details : Grand Charm Set
Aldur's Watchtower Grand Charm (drcs) | Druids | 4 Set Items = Aldur's Watchtower Aldur's Watchtower Orb + Ohm Rune + Grand Charm Unique + Normal Orb = Aldur's Watchtower Grand Charm |
Trang-Oul's Avatar Grand Charm (necs) | Necromancer | 5 Set Items = Trang-Oul's Avatar Orb Trang-Oul's Avatar Orb + Ohm Rune + Grand Charm Unique + Normal Orb = Trang-Oul's Avatar Grand Charm |
Tal Rasha's Wrappings Grandcharm (socs) | Sorceress | 5 Set Items = Tal Rasha's Wrappings Orb Tal Rasha's Wrappings Orb + Ohm Rune + Grand Charm Unique + Normal Orb = Tal Rasha's Wrappings Grandcharm |
Natalya's Odium Grand Charm (ascs) | Assassin | 4 Set Items = Natalya's Odium Orb Natalya's Odium Orb + Ohm Rune + Unique Grand Charm + Normal Orb = Natalya's Odium Grand Charm |
M'avina's Battle Hymn GrandCharm (amcs) | Amazon | 5 Set Items = M'avina's Battle Hymn Orb M'avina's Battle Hymn Orb+ Ohm Rune + Grand Charm Unique + Normal Orb = M'avina's Battle Hymn GrandCharm |
Immortal King GrandCharm (bacs) | Barbarian | 5 Set Items = Immortal King Orb Immortal King Orb + Ohm Rune + Grand Charm Unique + Normal Orb = Immortal King GrandCharm |
Griswold's Legacy GrandCharm (pacs) | Paladin | 4 Set Items = Griswold's Legacy Orb Griswold's Legacy Orb + Ohm Rune + Grand Charm Unique + Normal Orb = Griswold's Legacy GrandCharm |
Mercenary item
1. Embryo Item Mercenary
- Materials are used to create Mercenary Upgrade Items.
- Search Google: Set Items… diablo 2 to know the Items to look for.
(Embryo) Orphan's Call Orb Rogue Scout : Hydra Bow | Mercenary Act 1 | Set Items : Orphan's Call Orb Wilhelm's Pride + Guillaume's Face + Whitstan's Guard + Magnus' Skin = Orphan's Call Orb |
(Embryo) Hwanin's Majesty Orb Desert Greiz : Colossus Voulge | Mercenary Act 2 | Set Item : Hwanin's Majesty Hwanin's Justice + Hwanin's Refuge + Hwanin's Splendor + Hwanin's Blessing = Hwanin's Majesty Orb |
(Embryo) Sazabi's Grand Tribute Orb Iron Wolve : Cryptic Sword | Mercenary Act 3 | Set Item : Sazabi's Grand Tribute Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer + Sazabi's Ghost Liberator + Sazabi's Mental Sheath = (Embryo) Sazabi's Grand Tribute Orb |
(Embryo) Bul-Kathos' Children Orb Bul-Kathos' Barbarian = Colossus Blade | Mercenary Act 5 | Set Item : Bul-Kathos' Children Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge + Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian = (Embryo) Bul-Kathos' Children Orb |
2. Mercenary Upgrade iTEM
- Item Upgrade for De – Hire – Mercenary.
Rogue Scout : Hydra Bow | Mercenary Act 1 | Orphan's Call Orb + Ohm Rune + Normal Orb = Rogue Scout |
Desert Greiz : Colossus Voulge | Mercenary Act 2 | Hwanin's Majesty Orb + Ohm Rune + Normal Orb = Desert Greiz |
Iron Wolve : Cryptic Sword | Mercenary Act 3 | Sazabi's Grand Tribute Orb + 2x Vex Rune + Normal Orb = Iron Wolve |
Bul-Kathos' Barbarian = Colossus Blade | Mercenary Act 5 | Bul-Kathos' Children Orb + Ohm Rune + Normal Orb = Bul-Kathos' Barbarian |
3. Fragment - Normal - Magic - Chaos - Unique - Set Soul (For Mercenary Upgrade)
- Shared ingredients for Unique Mercenary Upgrade Item
Use to press cube formula:
Normal Soul | Fragment of Cursed + Fragment Destruction + Fragment of Slyness + Fragment of Abjuration + Fragment Of Fogotten Soul + Ohm Rune + Recipe Normal Soul = Normal Soul |
Magic Soul | Normal Soul x7 + Lo Rune + Recipe Magic Soul = Magic Soul |
Chaos Soul | Magic Soul x7 + Sur Rune + Recipe Rare Soul = Rare Soul |
Unique Soul | Rare Soul x6 + Ber Rune + Recipe Unique Soul = Unique Soul |
Set Soul | Unique Set Soul x5 + Jah Rune + Reipre Set Soul = Set Soul |
4. Mercenary Orb Upgrade
- Mercenary Orb Upgrade: The upgrade stone of Mercenary Item Upgrade
- Attach directly to Mercenary Item Upgrade with Socket.
Detailed information: MERCENARY ORB UPGRADE
Unique Upgraded Mercenary Level 1 | Unique Level 1 | Level 1: x3 Normal Soul + Ohm Rune + x3 Mecenary Item Upgrade (Whichever belongs to you, use that Item) |
Unique Upgraded Mercenary Level 2 | Unique Level 2 | Level 2: x3 Magic Soul + Sur Rune + x4 Mecenary Item Upgrade (Whichever belongs to you, use that Item) |
Unique Upgraded Mercenary Level 3 | Unique Level 3 | Level 3: x2 Rare Soul + Ber Rune + x5 Mecenary Item Upgrade (Whichever belongs to you, use that Item) |
Unique Upgraded Mercenary Level 4 | Unique Level 4 | Level 4: x2 Unique Soul + Jah Rune + x6 Mecenary Item Upgrade (Whichever belongs to you, use that Item) |
Unique Upgraded Mercenary Level 5 | Unique Level 5 | Level 5: x1 Set Soul + Cham Rune + x7 Mecenary Item Upgrade (Whichever belongs to you, use that Item) |
Reward Map Diablo 2 – Mod by D2tm
1. Salvation Reward
Details : Salvation Rewards
Salvation Normal | Open the Salvation Box (Kill the Salvation Subtitle Boss will Drop the Salvation Box) |
Salvation Hard | Reward Salvation Charm Hard x3 + Ohm Rune + Normal Orb |
Salvation God | Reward Salvation Charm God x2 + Salvation Charm Hard + Lo Rune x2 + Magic Orb x2 |
Salvation Transcendent | Reward Salvation Charm Transcendent x2 + Salvation Charm God + Ber Rune x2 + Chaos Orb x2 |
2. Reroll Salvation Reward
- Soul Stone is purchased at the Shop D2VN – Price 20,000 Fgold
Salvation Normal | Roll Item | Salvation Normal + Soul Stone |
Salvation Hard | Roll Item | Salvation Hard + Soul Stone |
Salvation God | Roll Item | Salvation God + Soul Stone |
Salvation Transcendent | Roll Item | Salvation Transcendent + Soul Stone |
1. Lich King Sword Reward
Details : Lich King Sword Reward
Lich King's Sword | x2 Reward Lich King Normal (Materials) |
Lich King's Orb Upgrade Hard | Charm Lich King's Sword + Reward Lich King Hard (Ingredient) x2 + Ber Rune + Magic Orb x2 |
Lich King's Orb Upgrade God | Charm Lich King's Sword + Reward Lich King God x2 (Ingredients) + Jah Rune + Chaos Orb |
Lich King's Orb Upgrade Transcentdent | Charm Lich King's Sword + Reward Lich King Trans (Material) x2 + Cham Rune + Chaos Orb x2 |
Lich King's Sword Socket | Jeweler Socket (Buy in Soul Shop) + Lich King Sword (Random 0 – 1) |
2. Reroll lich king sword reward
- Soul Stone can be purchased at Shop D2VN for 20,000 Fgold
Lich King's Sword | Reroll Items | Lich King's Sword + Soul Stone |
Lich King's Orb Upgrade Hard | Reroll Items | Lich King's Orb Upgrade Hard + Soul Stone |
Lich King's Orb Upgrade God | Reroll Items | Lich King's Orb Upgrade God + Soul Stone |
Lich King's Orb Upgrade Transcentdent | Reroll Items | Lich King's Orb Upgrade Transcentdent + Soul Stone |