Let me introduce a build type that is also quite popular, that is Fire Druids, Druid mainly uses fire skills. The main skills we will use are Volcano and Armageddon Fire.
– Can hit in a very wide range, and can also hit many hits, so it can be said that this build is a monster.
– That same annoying immune makes us very tired when going to Hell. However, when you encounter immune to fire situations, let our Hirelings handle them.
- STRENGTH: About 156 is enough, with additional charms we will have enough points to use runewords.
- DEXTERITY: Don't waste a single point here, we are casters, not Melee chars, no need to block.
- VITALITY: The more the better, about 200 points or more, that's enough to survive in Hell.
- ENERGY: Put in here 50-60 points, believe in yourself, you won't regret it. Even though there are additional items that add mana, they can only be used later, so it will be the initial source of mana to help us get through Normal and Nightmare. When we go to Hell, our mana is about 800-900, no joke. That's enough to fight comfortably, you don't have to constantly pump mana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;;>
Skills table:
– We will put most of the skill points here, we will use exactly 105 skill points here.
– You give 1 point to the following skills, because they only have a guiding effect:
Firestorm: 1 point.
Arctic Blast: 1 point.
Cyclone Armor: 1 point.
Twister: 1 point.
Tornado: 1 point.
Hurricane: 1 point.
And please max the following skills:
Molten Boulder: 20 points.
Fissure: 20 points.
Volcano: 20 points.
Armageddon: 20 points.
Mainly use Volcano, sometimes use Armageddon to fight bosses, and if resistance is too low, you can also use Cyclone Armor.
When upgrading, you should first learn all the Elemental skills and add 5 Summon skills, one of each type, then max in order: Fissure, Armageddon, Volcano and finally Molten Boulder.
You will have exactly 5 points left, you will use them on skills:
Dire wolf
Oak Sage
Spirit Wolf
Grizzly (Put all your last Points here - Because Bear is definitely your great assistant)
Forget it, we don't have any points left here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IV. Necessary notes with Druid Volcano:
- Druid Volcano is a pure Fire Element (Fire Element).
- Druid Volcano is a Caster (Attack with Skills).
- Main Sources of Damage: Volcano and Armageddon.
- Suitable Mercenary (disciple): Act 1 – Fire or Cold (Rent from NPC Kashya) – Quest 2 Act 1. Equip main weapon: Bloodraven's Charge Upgrade (Aura Conviction helps - Resistant of monsters, also known as elemental resistance)
- The FCR index needed to achieve is 163 (Speed Ra Skills).
- Skills Teleport (Runeword Enigma or Jewel Teleport): Mages are required to have Teleport.
Attack index to consider:
- All Skills
- Druid Skills
- + % Fire Element Skill
- – Fire Resistant
Defense indicators to consider:
- All Resistant
- Max Resistance
- 50% Dame Reduce
- 75% Magic Reduce
- % HP and HP
- A little more Mana is fine
V. ITEMS: (Refer here: Link)
Instructions for finding items quickly:
For Upgrade Items based on the link provided above, you can use the combination Ctrl + F to quickly search for the item you need. For Runeword, you should search on Google quickly. (Example: Enigma Runeword diablo 2).
Regarding Items, I will divide it into 2 types of Build: 1 is the first stage to play LoD. 2 is the Upgrade Item phase.
Here is the LoD stage: Complete starting set of items.
- Armor: “Enigma” runeword with Teleport.
- Weapon 1: Still the runeword “Heart of the oak” Ko + Vex + Pul +Thul on the Flail tree, it will give us +3 to all skills, +40% cast rate, +75% Damage To Demons, +100 To Attack Rating Against Demons,... Very suitable for all casters!!!!!!!!;;>
- Weapon 2: “Call to arms” runeword Amn + Ral + Mal + Ist + Ohm helps increase health for us and you, very necessary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Shields 1 and 2: “Spirit” runeword Tal + Thul+ Ort + Amn on Mornach shield, +2 to all skills, +25-35% Faster Cast Rate,… great.
- Hat: Ravenlore with +3 to Druid Elemental Skills and socket with Rainbow Facet (type 100% Chance To Cast Level 31 Meteor When You Die,Adds 17-45 Fire Damage, +3-5% To Fire Skill Damage…) and “Uhm” rune or Harlequin crest is also a suitable choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Belt: Arachnid Mesh with +1 to all skills.
- Gauntlets: Magefist Gauntlet, +fire damage and Faster cast rate.
- Boots: Sandstorm Trek, a perfect choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Amulet and Ring: use 2 stone of jordan and Mara's Kaleidoscope plus give me a little skill.
- Charm - Charm: Hellfire Tourch Large Charm and Anihilus Small Charm are two things that must be had at all costs.
We start with the Upgrade phase first:
- Armor: "Enigma” Runeword with Teleport or “Diablo Soul Upgrade” Socket Jewel Teleport.
- Weapon 1: “DemonLimb Upgrade” is suitable for Caster Fire. Or choose better Item.
- Weapon 2: “Call to arms” Runeword Amn + Ral + Mal + Ist + Ohm with Skills Battle Orders Helps increase blood for us and you, very necessary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Shield 1: “Thundershield Upgrade” Or choose a better Item.
- Shield 2: “Spirit” runeword Tal + Thul + Ort + Amn on Mornach's shield.
- Hat: "Ravenlore Upgrade” Helmets reserved for Druids.
- Belt: “Ghost Belt Upgrade” Or choose a better Item.
- Glove: "Lavagrout Upgrade” Or choose a better Item.
- Boots: “Infernostride Upgrade" or "Marrowwalk Upgrade“: to make my Summon stronger.
- Amulet: “Viper Eye Upgrade” Or choose a better item.
- Ring: “Constricting Upgrade" or "Sadness Upgrade“
- Charm – Talisman: Hellfire Tourch Large Charm, Anihilus Small Charm and 1+Elemental Skills Grand Charm can fill the chest (Reward Charm Map will drop in Mod Maps - Require you to hunt Boss to own it).
BECAUSE. Reference Video:
The article is for reference only for Newbie…