by GMSuzug in
Build Guide Character

Class focus:

The call of the soul, according to the ancients, this is mentioned in the Bible and advised the sheep to practice it to predict and control the future. At the beginning of the pure, it was common in Persian, Greece and Roman, in the Middle Ages, it was widely studied by magicians, artists, witches but the Church issued measures. Prohibiting it, considering it as a messenger of the devil, the peak is the law to eliminate and condemn the witch in 1604 in the Elizabeth period.

Today we will talk about… ..the Uenholy Boy (Old Boy) - - Necromancer, a char quite popular besides Sorceress and .

Bonemancer: Top Build

Please start with Magnec, or folk often called Bonemancer - NEC uses Magic Damg skill like Bone Spear, Bone Spirit, etc. of Poison and Bone Skills.

I. Introduction:
  • Advantage : Yes, one of the most feared PVP Caster Char. Why? The main skill of Bonenec are all resonant skills for each other: Teeth, Bone Spear, Bone Spirit, etc. As Astroblue analyzed, the number of items with Magic damg Reduce, Magic Resist counted on the fingers => Winning which is absorbent, like hammerdin. In addition, Bonenec's defensive ability is enhanced thanks to Bone Armor. From V1.10 onwards, Bone Armor not only smokes damg Melee but also smokes Range damg => Bowzon, Javazon girls cry here: - ... and not only PVP, PVM with Bonenec is also quite good ...
  • Defect : NEC's Magic Damg is not like Hammerdin's Blessed Hammer, which can be applied to the undeads even though they have Immu Magic. So when passing ACT II Hell and when beating Baal Hell, Bonenec will have a problem. I had to rely on Hireling and ... Corpse Explosion.
II. Stat build :
  • Str: No need for too much str for bonenec = caster char>. We need 50-80 for Str, because items anyway give you a bunch of Attributes.
  • DEX: Try to calculate so that Max Block 75 %, range 125-135 DEX is ok
  • Vit: Try to raise as much as possible. Here we have 2 options: 1 is not to increase much to max block and put all for viting; 2 is to max block and still lift vit. Which type of choice is up to you.
  • Eng: Do not charge point here. But if you feel lack of mana, you can add 10-20 points to you
III. Skill builds :

Curses Skill

I will talk briefly. You give each of the following skill 1 point:

  • Amplify damage
  • Weaken
  • Terror
  • Iron Maiden
  • Decrepify

Amplify damage: quite good for the beginning with the ability to make the opponent receive more damg. Weaken except def. Terror helps "disband the crowd". Iron Mait And Decrepify is the synthetic curse of Amplify Damg, Weaken and also accompanied by slow target

Also, you can put 1 in Lower Resists and Life Tap if you like.

Summoning Skill

Bonenec is the caster, not zookeeper, so in the Summoning table you only need for each of the following skill 1 point:

  • Clay Golem
  • Golem Mastery
  • Summon Resist

Do not look at Clay Golem's meager damg, pay attention to its great ability: slow target. Coordinate with Decrepify Curse + Holy Freeze of Hireling Mer Act II, we have a very cute Bone Spear)))). In addition, Clay Golem's blood is very much, a good meat shield to make bait when PVM.

Poison and Bone Skill

This is our main skill board, so that this type of build is called Bonenec>. You need to max 20 points for the following 4 skill:

  • Bone Spear
  • Bone Spirit
  • Bone Wall
  • Bone Prison

Next to it is 1 point for each of the following skill:

  • Teeth (Obviously, if you don't have this, how can you lead to Bone Spear)
  • Corpse Explosion
  • Bone Armor (depending on the case can add point here)

Bone Spear Damg is high and shoots apple penetration>, Bone Spirit Damg is lower, slower but chasing the opponent>. Besides, Bone Wall and Bone Prison greatly supports Boss and PVP, and Corpse Explosion is the necessary skill to go to Hell>.

Skill lift order:

I will talk briefly. In the first lv, you can only expect Clay Golem and Teeth, Corpse Explosion, trying to persevere until you have a bone spear. Max Bone Spear first, then go to Bone Spirit, Bone Wall and Bone Prison (these 3 skill should be lifted in 1/1 - every 1 for Bone Spirit and then 1 for Bone Wall, 1 for Bone Prison). Besides, do not forget 1 for Golem Mastery, Summon Resist and Curses Skill.

IV. Items:

For reference only, because most of them are poisonous>

  • Hat: Halerquin's Crest Shako with 2 to all Skills, 1 pile of mana and blood, 1 "little" Attributes, worth it. Otherwise, you can replace = 1 Rare Circlet with+2 Necro Skills/20% FCR/Run-Walk/Sockets/+All Res/+Stats. Socketed and put in a hat 1 shael rune or 1 um run
  • Giap: Enigma Runeword (JAH+ITH+Ber) on Mage Plate or Dusk Shroud 3 Socketed. With Skill Teleport, it is made from Enigma, it is possible to understand why Bonenec is classified as a terrible PVP. However, if it is too difficult to earn this runeword, you can use Skin of the Vipermagi Serpentskin Armor for temporary use.
  • Weapons 1: White Runeword (DOL + IO) on Lich Wand, if any + add skill for Poison and Bone Bone Skill, Bone Spear, Bone Spirit again to use this Runeword NEC ONLY is too good. Another option is also more worth the money - both literally and glossy is the Heart of the Oak Runeword (Ko+Vex+Pul+ThuL) with all the necessary ops for 1 caster, in addition to calling 1 Oak Sage belong to Up to increase the amount of blood. If you have not been able to have one of the two things above, you can temporarily use the Unique goods, Wizardpike Boneknife or 1 Unique Wand.
  • Weapons 2: Nothing other than Call to Arms Runework (AMN+Ral+Mal+IST+Ohm) to use Barb Battle Command, Battle Orders before the battle.
  • Shield 1: Unique Shrunken Head of NEC - Homunuculus Hierophant Trophy is the best with 72% Chance to Block, FBR, Resist All, Hui Mana and 2 Necro Skill, 2 Skill Curse, 20 Eng. Socketed gives it 1 tablet to cannot be Frozen. If not, you can replace = Splendor Runeword (ETH+Lum) on Kite Shield or Spirit Runework (Tal+ThuL+ORT+AMN) on MORNACH
  • Shield 2: Spirit Runeword (Tal+Thuul+Ort+AMN) to Mornach to use with Call to Arms, it adds skill to Battle Command and Battle Orders
  • Belts: Arachnid Mesh, one of the rare belt with skill and ops needed for 1 caster
  • Gloves: MAGEFIST. Using it because there is a high faster cast and a mana, not because of the Sorc's Fire Skill line. There is also one more option is Frostburn Gaunlet. One more easy to find is Bloodfist Heavy Gloves with FCR Cao.
  • Shoes: Marrewalks Boneeweave Boots. 20 % Faster Run/Walk, 20 for Str, DEX and quite DEF
  • Ring: 2 Stone of Jordan or 2 Rare Ring has + Skill for NEC, Mana, Res, etc.
  • Chain: Mara's Kaleidoscope with 2 to All Skills, Attributes and RES ALL. Can replace = rare amulet with nec skill, res all ... ..

Charm - Charm: Hellfire Tourch Large Charm and Anihilus Small Charm are 2 Must Have. In addition, you "stuffed" add charm + Poison and Bone Skill, besides a little charm + blood, res all, a little Faster Run/Walk is also okay.

This article is for reference only for newbies...


Next is also another interesting type of Caster NEC: Poisonnec - NEC uses Poison Dagger, Poison Nova with Lower Resists. Slightly similar to Rabies Werewolf

I. Introduction:
  • Advantages: Yes, Damg is high, the average range of 31-32k damg, if the capacity is full, 49-50k damg more with Poison Dagger and Poison Nova is about 9-10k, Poison Explosion is ... ... 100k damg (no joke), so there is Curse Lower Resists supporting in reducing res => not weak at all. In addition, it does not require us to spam skill as much as the Bonemancer brother>, just cast once Lower Resists + Poison Nova and then leisurely wait to die from poisoning>. Besides PVM, in PVP, Poisonnec is also a formidable opponent, not inferior to fellow Magic Damg ...
  • Cons: Obviously when fighting with Immu Poison>. In addition, Poisonnec's def will not be as high as the Bonenec brother because Bone Armor is not supported much. And finally ... ..damg is so high, but it is Poison Damg, so if you hit a hit without the hit without death, don't be surprised, and don't ...
II. Stat build :
  • Str: Don't need too much Str here. We need 50-80 for Str, because items anyway give you a bunch of Attributes.
  • DEX: Try to calculate so that Max Block 75 %, range 125-135 DEX is ok
  • Vit: Try to raise as much as possible. Here we have 2 options: 1 is not to increase much to max block and put all for viting; 2 is to max block and still lift vit. Which type of choice is up to you.
  • Eng: Do not charge point here. With Bonenec, perhaps because of spam skill, it can put some points into Eng, but Poisonnec is different.
III. Skill builds :

Curses Skill

You give each of the following skill 1 point:

  • Amplify damage
  • Weaken
  • Terror
  • Iron maidendecrepify
  • Life Tap (necessary to lead to Lower Resists)

The use of the above skill is probably not to say, refer to Bonenec above. In addition, Decrepify also works for you to fight the IMMU Monster when combined with Hireling and ... Corpse Explosion. Next, you add 6-10 points to:

  • Lower Resists

One of the two skill has a great influence on the Elements Char next to PAL's Conviction. With -65% res all of the opponent, combined with the high damg number of Poison Skill =>: -

Summoning Skill

As the caster, not zookeeper, so in the Summoning table you only need for each of the following skill 1 point:

  • Clay Golem
  • Golem Mastery
  • Summon Resist

Poison and Bone Skill

This is our main skill board, so that this type of build is called Poisonnec: --. You need max 20 points for the following 3 skill:

  • Poison Dagger
  • Poison Explosion
  • Poison Nova

Next to it is 1 point for each of the following skill:

  • (Obviously, lead to Corpse Explosion)
  • Corpse Explosion
  • Bone Armor
  • Bone Wall
  • Bone Prison

Besides, you also need a few skills for Bone Armor, Bone Wall, Bone Prison to add a little DEF. You add the points to these 3 skill in the ratio of 1/2/2, and only add when you have maxed 3 Poison skill.

Skill lift order:

Unlike Bonenec, with Poison Dagger from LV6, Poisonnec is easier to live in the first lv. Try to max Poison Dagger first, 6-10 points for Lower Resist, and then max at 1/1 ratio for Poison Explosion and Poison Nova. Finally, put point in 3 skill Bone Armor, Bone Wall and Bone Prison in the ratio of 1/2/2 above.

IV. Items:

For reference only, because most of them are poisonous>

  • Hat: Halerquin's Crest Shako with 2 to all Skills, 1 pile of mana and blood, 1 "little" Attributes, worth it. Otherwise, you can replace = 1 Rare Circlet with+2 Necro Skills/20% FCR/Run-Walk/Sockets/+All Res/+Stats. Socketed and put in a hat 1 shael rune or 1 um run
  • Armor: The first choice is Bramble Runeword (Ral+Ohm+Sur+ETH) with 30 % to Poison Skill Damg, Regen Mana, DEF Good and promote Thorn Aura to counterattack damg on the Archon Plate shirt. If you want to have more strategies for PVP, you can use Enigma Runeword (JAH+ITH+BER) on Mage Plate or Dusk Shroud 3 Socketed. With the Teleport skill, it is made from Enigma, your hit and run tactic is more effective. However, if it is too difficult to earn all of these Runeword, you can wear skin of the vipermagi Serpentskin Armor for temporary use.
  • Weapons 1: Blackbog's Sharp Cinquedeas Socketed 1 Rainbow Facet Jewel tablet with Op Poison. With the Slow Target, 4 to Poison Dagger, Poison Explosion, 5 to Poison Nova, several hundred poison damg, this is the Unique Dagger for Poisonnec.
  • Weapons 2: Nothing other than Call to Arms Runework (AMN+Ral+Mal+IST+Ohm) to use Barb Battle Command, Battle Orders before the battle.
  • Shield 1: Unique Shrunken Head of NEC - Homunuculus Hierophant Trophy is the best with 72% Chance to Block, FBR, Resist All, Hui Mana and 2 Necro Skill, 2 Skill Curse, 20 Eng. Socketed gives it 1 tablet to cannot be Frozen. If not, you can replace = Splendor Runeword (ETH+Lum) on Kite Shield or Spirit Runework (Tal+ThuL+ORT+AMN) on MORNACH
  • Shield 2: Spirit Runeword (Tal+Thuul+Ort+AMN) to Mornach to use with Call to Arms, it adds skill to Battle Command and Battle Orders
  • Belts: Arachnid Mesh, one of the rare belt with skill and ops needed for 1 caster
  • Gloves: Trang-Oul's Claw Heavy Bracer (belonging to NEC's page set-op set) with 25 % to Poison Skill Damg, 20 % FCR and 2 to Curses.
  • Shoes: Marrewalks Boneeweave Boots. 20 % Faster Run/Walk, 20 for Str, DEX and quite DEF
  • Ring: 2 Stone of Jordan or 2 Rare Ring has + Skill for NEC, Mana, Res, etc.
  • Chain: Mara's Kaleidoscope with 2 to All Skills, Attributes and RES ALL. Can replace = rare amulet with nec skill, res all ... ..

Charm - Charm: Hellfire Tourch Large Charm and Anihilus Small Charm are 2 Must Have. Also, you "stuff" add Charm + Poison and Bone Skill, and, try to put many Poison Small Charm as much as possible. If you find the resist, you can add charm res all.

This article is for reference only for newbies...

Zookeepertnec - necromancer calls

As Blizzard has introduced NEC: Summoning Undead Minions and Cursing His Enemies are his specialties - The ability to summon the undead subordinates and curse the opponent as his expert>. Therefore, from this article onwards, I would like to introduce the zookeepernernec - NEC Build - NEC playing in the Summoning Skill table>.

The beginning of this popular building style will be Auranec - 1 Build Zookeepernertnec most typical, most leisurely, most powerful among zookeeperneccec types from V1.10 or above.

I. Introduction:
  • Advantages: Still a flock of bones like every day, but ... they are supported by 5-7 Aura different-no jokes. Typically, the Build Summon is hard to pass through Hell trot by strong monsters, weak, both ... the owner is also weak => die. But Auranec overcomes those disadvantages thanks to the support Aura => 1 form of Build Nec PVM terrible, even PVP is also quite good (if allowed)
  • Cons: The first is that their own DEF is not as high as the brothers Bone and Poisonnec>. I don't worry much, because I have never had to fight, I do it all. The second is ... the financial topic. Auranec uses 80 % as Runeword (both for Hireling), and everyone knows, the Runeword items, especially the dishes with Aura When Equipped how hard to find.
II. Stat build :
  • Str: Don't need too much Str here. We need 50-80 for Str, because items anyway give you a bunch of Attributes.
  • DEX: Try to calculate so that Max Block 75 %, range 125-135 DEX is ok
  • Vit: Try to raise as much as possible after maxing Blocking
  • Eng: Do not waste Point here even though Summoning Skill is quite expensive. You will have more mana with items, but if you feel not very secure, add 5-10 Points as you like.
III. Skill builds :

Curses Skill

You give each of the following skill 1 point:

  • Amplify damage
  • Weaken
  • Terror
  • Iron Maiden
  • Decrepify
  • Life Tap

With the zookeepernernec, the skill curses show their strength>. Here I added Life Tap to help the Skeleton live longer when at low LV with the ability to Leech Life to receive from this curse>

Poison and Bone Skill

This skill board is only supportive, you put 1 point in these skills:

  • Teeth
  • Corpse Explosion
  • Bone Spear
  • Bone Armor

And max is as much as possible for these 2 skill:

  • Bone Wall
  • Bone Prison

Summoning Skill

The Summoning table is now our main skill table>. You need to max the following skills:

  • Raise Skeleton
  • Raise Skeletal Mage
  • Skeleton Mastery

Raise Skeleton gives us a herd of Melee bones, Raise Skeletal Mage gives us a flock of Element Range Attack, and Skeleton Mastery to help reinforce them more firmly>, otherwise become a true bone

Finally, you give each of the following skill 1 point:

  • Clay Golem
  • Blood Golem
  • Iron Golem
  • Fire Golem
  • Golem Mastery
  • Summon Resist
  • Revive

When normal PVM, Fire Golem or Iron Golem will be very helpful - especially Iron Golem with the ability to keep the features from the item it created. When hitting Boss or PVP, Clay Golem with Slow Target and terrible blood will promote its strength. With Revive, we have 1 more "few" disciples, complementary to the army>….

Skill lift order:

Max Raise Skeleton and Skeleton Mastery are parallel to each other first and then Skeletal Mage. Besides, put 1 point in the skill needed as mentioned above. After maxing 3 Skill Summon, maximize the Bone Wall and Bone Prison.

IV. Items:

For reference only, because most of them are poisonous

  • Hat: Halerquin's Crest Shako with 2 to all Skills, 1 pile of mana and blood, 1 "little" Attributes, worth it. Otherwise, you can replace = 1 Rare Circlet with+2 Necro Skills/20% FCR/Run-Walk/Sockets/+All Res/+Stats. Socketed and put in a hat 1 shael rune or 1 um run
  • Armor: The first choice is Enigma Runeword (JAH+ITH+BER) on Breast Plate or Dusk Shroud 3 Socketed. With the Teleport skill, it is made from Enigma, your hit and run tactic is more effective. However, if it is too difficult to earn all of these Runeword, you can wear skin of the vipermagi Serpentskin Armor for temporary use.
  • Weapons 1: 1 Berserker Ax (no joke) or Etin Ax 5 Socketed to make Runeword Beast (Ber+Tir+Um+Mal+Lum) to get Aura Fanticism>, increase Damg and Attack Speed ​​for the melee bones I> ...
  • Weapons 2: Nothing other than Call to Arms Runework (AMN+Ral+Mal+IST+Ohm) to use Barb Battle Command, Battle Orders before the battle.
  • Shield 1: Unique Shrunken Head of NEC - Homunuculus Hierophant Trophy is the best with 72% Chance to Block, FBR, Resist All, Hui Mana and 2 Necro Skill, 2 Skill Curse, 20 Eng. Socketed gives it 1 tablet to cannot be Frozen. If not, you can replace = Splendor Runeword (ETH+Lum) on Kite Shield or Spirit Runework (Tal+ThuL+ORT+AMN) on MORNACH
  • Shield 2: Spirit Runeword (Tal+Thuul+Ort+AMN) to Mornach to use with Call to Arms, it adds skill to Battle Command and Battle Orders
  • Belts: Arachnid Mesh, one of the rare belt with skill and ops needed for 1 caster
  • Gloves: MAGEFIST LIGHT GAUTLET, TRAIN-OUL's Claw Heavy Bracer or Frostburn Gauntlet if you feel more Mana.
  • Shoes: Marrewalks Boneeweave Boots. 20 % Faster Run/Walk, 20 for Str, DEX and quite DEF
  • Ring: 2 Stone of Jordan or 2 Rare Ring has + Skill for NEC, Mana, Res, etc.
  • Chain: Mara's Kaleidoscope with 2 to All Skills, Attributes and RES ALL. Can replace = rare amulet with nec skill, res all ... ..

Charm - Charm: Hellfire Tourch Large Charm and Anihilus Small Charm are 2 Must Have. In addition, you "stuffed" add Charm + Summoning Skill, and, trying to add more Small Charm to increase blood, mana, res, Faster Run/Walk in

Finally, it is a small small item of Auranec: The items suitable for Hireling - disciples and choosing disciples accordingly.

* Hireling: Hireling we should choose here is the Mer of Act II, with the ability to support Aura very well, and Damg is also high. With Auranec, the best option is Mer Offensive Act II Nightmare, giving us Aura Might to help increase damg for skeleton.

* Items: In weapons, for the first tree of the Pole Arm Class tree with Runeword Doom (Hel+Ohm+Um+Lo+Cham), let Aura Holyze help well>. Armor, the first choice is Bramble Runeword (Ral+Ohm+Sur+ETH) to get Aura Thorn, anti -damg those who beat their weak disciples>

* Notes: There is a way to increase the power of Auranec that I am about to say here, and this way ... indicates those who are less likely to earn things, because they use Runeword again. Everyone knows that Iron Golem, the Golem created from any items with the ability to betray damg? And the particularly interesting thing is that it retains the features of the item that it is created. So we will take full advantage of this feature = how …… Take the DOOM RUNEWORD tree of the disciple Mer, throw to the ground and ... create an Iron Golem from it))). So we have an Iron Golem with Aura Holy Freeze + Thorn>. What about the disciple Mer? Rest assured, let's sweeten the younger brother who is crying because he is deprived of this Doom = Pride Runeword (Cham+Sur+IO+Lo), with terrible damg, and ... ..Aura Concerntration, increasing a huge bunch of damg huge damg other .

This article is for reference only for newbies...

Melee Nec - Zookeeper Nec

Today I would like to introduce another type of zookeepernernec is also quite common, suitable for those who do not have many conditions to build Auranec: Meleenec - Zookeepertnec using Poison Dagger in combination with Summoning Skill, the hybrid holding Poisonnec and Auranec: -….

I. Introduction:

*Advantages: Take good use of the capabilities of the samples>. Having a good solo ability (although not strong = Melee char, sure), well protected by the shield of the "Bone Armor" bone. This type of build is suitable for young people>, dynamic because itself also fought next to the disciples - just joking

*Disadvantages: is a hybrid building between Poisonnec and Auranec, so Poison Dagger cannot be strong = Poisonnec the main sewer, and Aura also lacks quite a lot.

II. Stat build :
  • Str: Don't need too much Str here. We need 50-80 for Str, because items anyway give you a bunch of Attributes.
  • DEX: Try to calculate so that Max Block 75 %, range 125-135 DEX is ok
  • Vit: Try to raise as much as possible after maxing Blocking
  • Eng: Do not waste Point here even though Summoning Skill is quite expensive. You will have more mana with items, but if you feel not very secure, add 5-10 Points as you like.
III. Skill builds :

Curses Skill

You give each of the following skill 1 point:

  • Amplify damage
  • Weaken
  • Terror
  • Iron Maiden
  • Decrepify
  • Life Tap (necessary to lead to Lower Resists, helping HP for De)
  • Lower Resists (Support for Poison Skill)

Poison and Bone Skill

Now is one of our two main skill tables>. The first is for each skill after 1 point:

  • Teeth
  • Corpse Explosion
  • Bone Spear
  • Bone Armor

Next is this max 3 skill, similar to Poisonnec:

  • Poison Dagger
  • Poison Explosion
  • Poison Nova

And these 2 skill:

  • Bone Wall
  • Bone Prison

You will max them in parallel with Max Skeleton Mastery - will continue in the following paragraph.

Summoning Skill

You give each of the following skill 1 point:

  • Clay Golem
  • Golem Mastery
  • Summon Resist
  • Raise Skeletal Mage (this 1-5 points as you like)

Here we do not need much Skeletal Mage but need Skeleton Warriors to do "shield" so only give a little points to Mage only

Next, you max 20 for:

  • Raise Skeleton

As mentioned, we will be a big shield for you, 1 "Bone Armor" true and also know how to attack ...

Besides, this max skill is as much as possible with Bone Wall, Bone Prison, 1/1/1 ratio:

  • Skeleton Mastery

Remember, just max it when you max 3 skill Poison.

Skill lift order:

Max 2 Skill Poison Dagger and Raise Skeleton first, followed by 2 Poison Explosion and Poison Nova. Any skill needs 1 point, then when it comes to its Require LV, it will be raised in 1. After maxing 4 necessary skill, continue to max Bone Wall, Bone Prison and Skeleton Mastery in the ratio of 1/1/1 until Max LV.

IV. Items:

For reference only, because most of them are poisonous

  • Hat: Halerquin's Crest Shako with 2 to all Skills, 1 pile of mana and blood, 1 "little" Attributes, worth it. Otherwise, you can replace = 1 Rare Circlet with+2 Necro Skills/20% FCR/Run-Walk/Sockets/+All Res/+Stats. Socketed and put in a hat 1 shael rune or 1 um run
  • Armor: The first choice is Enigma Runeword (JAH+ITH+BER) on Breast Plate or Dusk Shroud 3 Socketed. However, if it is too difficult to earn all of these Runeword, you can wear skin of the vipermagi Serpentskin Armor for temporary use. Here I do not choose Bramble Runework (Ral+Ohm+Sur+ETH) like Poisonnec because we need Teleport to control the "Bone Armor" to live effectively.
  • Weapons 1: Blackbog's Sharp Cinquedeas Socketed 1 Rainbow Facet Jewel tablet with Op Poison. With Slow Target, 4 to Poison Dagger, Poison Explosion, 5 to Poison Nova, several hundred damg Poison, Unique Dagger is worthy and not too hard to find.
  • Weapons 2: Nothing other than Call to Arms Runework (AMN+Ral+Mal+IST+Ohm) to use Barb Battle Command, Battle Orders before the battle.
  • Shield 1: Unique Shrunken Head of NEC - Homunuculus Hierophant Trophy is the best with 72% Chance to Block, FBR, Resist All, Hui Mana and 2 Necro Skill, 2 Skill Curse, 20 Eng. Socketed gives it 1 tablet to cannot be Frozen. If not, you can replace = Splendor Runeword (ETH+Lum) on Kite Shield or Spirit Runework (Tal+ThuL+Ort+AMN) on Mornach. There is one more option here because many people complain that they cannot find homunuculus>, it is Trang-Oul's Wing Cantor Trophy-belonging to the set of Trang-Oul with 2 to Poison and Bone Skill, Increase Blocking, 25 Str, 15 Dex and Fire-Poison Res
  • Shield 2: Spirit Runeword (Tal+Thuul+Ort+AMN) to Mornach to use with Call to Arms, it adds skill to Battle Command and Battle Orders
  • Belts: Arachnid Mesh, one of the rare belt with skill and ops needed for 1 caster
  • Gloves: Trang-Oul's Claw Heavy Bracer (belonging to NEC's page set-op set) with 25 % to Poison Skill Damg, 20 % FCR and 2 to Curses.
  • Shoes: Marrewalks Boneeweave Boots. 20 % Faster Run/Walk, 20 for Str, DEX and quite DEF
  • Ring: 2 Stone of Jordan or 2 Rare Ring has + Skill for NEC, Mana, Res, etc.
  • Chain: Mara's Kaleidoscope with 2 to All Skills, Attributes and RES ALL. Can replace = rare amulet with nec skill, res all ... ..

Charm - Charm: Hellfire Tourch Large Charm and Anihilus Small Charm are 2 Must Have. Also, you "stuff" add Charm + Poison and Bone Skill and + Summoning Skill, and, try to stuff many Poison Small Charm as much as possible. If you find the resist, you can add charm res all.

Finally, it is a small small item of Meleenec: The items suitable for Hireling - disciples and choosing disciples accordingly.

* Hireling: Hireling we should choose here is the Mer of Act II, with the ability to support Aura very well, and Damg is also high. Unlike Auranec, the best option is Mer deffensive Act II Nightmare, giving us Aura Holy Freeze to help make Slow Target>.

* Items: In weapons, for the first tree of Pole Arm Class with Runeword Infinity (Ber+Mal+Ber+IST), for Aura Conviction to support Poison skill next to Lower Resists. Armor, the first choice is Bramble Runeword (Ral+Ohm+Sur+ETH) to get Aura Thorn, anti -damg those who beat their weak disciples>

This article is for reference only for newbies...

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