Class focus:
The Greek legend is always full of stories about Amazon, their feats, their love stories and matches with the gods on the top of the Olympia such as Zeus, Ares, Hera. And according to Homer, Amazon also fought and sacrificed in the battle of Trojan.
Content table
Lightning Zon: Top Build
Introducing to you a fairly popular Build type of Amazon is: Lighting Zon
I. Introduction
- Advantages: Using Javelin as the main weapon so it is very active and flexible when PVP and PVM. The amount of dam will be very strong if it is equipped with good items and increases the Point Skill correctly (from 50 and above). Because only one side is Javelin, the other side will support good shield, highly featured
- Disadvantages: The first is Immu Lighting. To overcome this situation, there is no other way to use Poison. The second is the initial training stage, which must be said to be very miserable (because the original dam is quite weak and poor). And as mentioned, the poverty in the first stage is the money to fix Javelin. Hit Point is also not very high, so it must be added from item if you do not want to die.
II. Stat point
- Strength: Just enough to use item (range 100 - 120)
- DEX: The effect of increasing damage and blocking. Need to increase to enough reequired for the item to be used (about 102 - 151)
- Vitality: How much remains for here, increasing the amount of Stamina and Life. If you want to die, put it here
- Eng: useless, but almost less charged. Mana will be granted from the item.
III. Skill
Javelin and Spear Skills
1 point for the following skills to open the way:
- Jab
- Power Strike
- Plague Javelin
Max 20 of the following skill:
- Lightning Bolt
- Charged strike
- Lightning Strike
- Lightning Fury
- 15 Point in: Poison Javelin
Lighting Bolt will support well with Poison Javelin in the early stages. Charge Strike and Lighting Strike will help us solve the monster when entangled in the crowd (the bolt and chain lighting effects like SORC). Lighting Fury is the main skill when Train Level (later) with the effect of launching 1 ton and radiating 21 other tuberculosis (Max 20) when hit the monster
Poison Javelin will help handle Immu eyelids, and support in the first training stage (from 6-30)
Add 1 point to the following skills:
- Inner sight
- Critical Strike
- Dodge
- Slow Missiles
- Avoid
- Decoy
- Evade
How many points are put into Valkyrie (how much you). Valkyrie will help us as a smart disciple (holding a spear) with Uncle Hire with you
Bow and Crossbow Skills table: Do not put any point in this tree.
IV. Hire
Nothing is as good as Mr. Hire Act II at Differt Nightmare. Initially in Normal, you can use an Attack Rating> (name). As for Nightmare, I switched to Uncle Aura Holy Freeze>.
Item, take the time to buy Runeword or Unique.
V. Item
Refer to Nghen, it still finds it too difficult to initially use Unique Lap or Rare Hén.
- Helm: Griffon's Eye rare goods for those who diligently work hard, increase the amount of lighting damage up. If you don't find it, you will take it to support shako dishes
- Amor: Chains of Honor, Archon Plate, Enigma, familiar but useful dishes. Increase Life Steal, Streng and Resist All
- Weapon:
Titan's Revenge
-Throw Damage: (70-79) to (185-212)
-One-Hand Damage: (70-79) to (137-155)
- Required Level: 42
- Required Strength: 25
- Required Dexterity: 109
- Max Stack: 140
-Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
- (Amazon Only)
- +150-200% Enhanced Damage
-ADDS 25-50 Damage
- +2 to Amazon Skill Levels
-5-9% Life Stolen Per Hit
- 30% Faster Run/Walk
- +20 to strength
- +20 to dexterity
- Replenishes Quantity [1 in 3 sec.]
- Increased stack size [60]
- +2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only
As a good dish, but in my opinion, you should use the next dish
-Throw Damage: (87-105) To (165-198)
-One-Hand Damage: (75-90) To (135-162)
- Required Level: 69
- Required Strength: 107
- Required Dexterity: 151
-Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
- Max Stack (80)
- (Amazon Only)
- +150-200% Enhanced Damage
-Adds 1-511 Lightning Damage
- 15% Increased Attack Speed
--15% to enemy Lightning Resistance
- 20% Chance to cast level 14 Lightning on Striking
- +2-4 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only
- +3 to Lightning Bolt (Amazon Only)
This product looks better. Increase Lighting Damage is quite good
Belts: Razortail is medium and Thundergod's Vigor for any hard work, poisonous goods>
Shields: Spirit, new runeword, increased skill and good resist. There are also Lidless Wall, Splendor or Mosers
Gloves: Can use Rare or Magic + Skill. There is also Soul Drainers or Dracul's Grasp
Boots: In this clause, it is clear. But choose the necessary items, including: Resist, Run Speed, Life, Skill ...
Rings: One side is Stone of Jordan, and the other can use Raven Frost (can not freeze)
Amulets: Mara's Kaliedescope is difficult to find, increased skill and 20-30 resist all. Or Highlord's Wrath
Charms: This is not to say. 1 is Hellfire Tourch Large Charm, 2 is Annihilus. The remaining can be added = collection, but must meet the requirements of Life and Resist All
Poison Zon
Next is the Build Poisonzon!
Poison Zon
I / Introduction
Advantages: The amount of poisonous effect is very high, wide range and stable maintenance time. It is not difficult to go to train level. Solving 1 army in a rapid time. Supported Shield with features. Train Level is less miserable than Lighting Zon
Disadvantages: The first is Immu (very familiar). Should cover that place with Lighting Fury. Next is the range of Poison Javelin, it is true that when thrown away, POSION Dam will stick immediately, but the main is can be released away when the whole army, just hit the monster, Poison Javelin Automatically stop, so the scope of poisoning is still chit, then the children are lined up behind how to handle it (Ton died)?!?? And the solution is Pierce (a little reading will know).
II / Stat Point
We have 2 ways to increase stats
1/ Focus on Vit:
Streng: Just enough to use item (range 100 - 120)
DEX: The effect of increasing damage and blocking. Need to increase to enough reequired for the item to be used (about 102 - 151)
Vitality: How much remains for here, increasing the amount of Stamina and Life. If you want to die, put it here
Eng: useless, but almost less charged. Mana will be granted from the item. With this way, I will apply to her tight life
2. Focus on DEX:
Streng: Just enough to use item (range 100 - 120)
DEX: Increasing damage, Attack Rating, Def and Blocking. Only Amazon and Assasin will have the opportunity to boot dam when increasing DEX. However, Vit is also quite important, so we will increase in 3/2 ratio. This means that for every 5 point, give Vit 2 point, dex 3 point.
Vitality: quite important, increasing Life, Stamina. The way to increase it is as I just said, every 5 points, 2 points for Vit and 3 points for DEX
Eng: useless, but almost less charged. Mana will be granted from the item.
In this way, will make the most of dam (not leaving a little), although Vit is not much by the above way but has a higher dam and AR.
Choose 1 of the above 2 ways to increase
III. Skills
Javelin and Spear Skills
1 point for the following skills to open the way:
Power Strike
Max 20 of the following skill:
Lightning Bolt
Poison Javelin
Plague Javelin
Poison Javelin and Plague Javelin make the main skill when the train (can use more lighting bolt if desired). Lighting Bolt to resist Immu with the ability to convert 100 % Physic Dam to Ele Dam
1 point for the following skills:
Inner sight
Critical Strike
Slow Missiles
Max 20 point for:
10- 20 point for:
The remaining point number is divided evenly for Valkyrie and the Dodge / Avoid / Evade group (but complete the penetrate, pierce first and then come to this skill group because there is + skill from item. )
Penetrate will increase Attact Rating for you (225 % when 20 points, should max). Valkyrie helps you as a disciple. Dodge / Avoid / Evade skill group increases the possibility of avoiding opponents.
Especially Pierce. Perhaps when casting Poison Javelin, you crashed out when hit by the monster, the scope of Poison is significantly smaller. Looks like this:
However, Blizzard has overcome this situation = Pierce. With this skill, you will receive the opportunity to cast Poison Javelin and Plague Javelin through the monster, which helps the Poison amount to radiate with a large range. Very useful, right. Usually we will spend 10-15 point for this section, if you want to get up to 20 points you will receive more from the item, right
Try to spend 110 Skill Points when Join Game, 1 Point sometimes very valuable. And how to get 12 more points, please complete all quest, will definitely be rewarded
IV / Hire
Nothing is as good as Mr. Hire Act II at Differt Nightmare. Initially in Normal, you can use an Attack rating (forgot the name). As for Nightmare, I switched to him with Aura Holy Freeze.
Item is hard to buy Runeword or Unique to go (not know about the ni)
V / item
Refer to Nghen, it still finds it too difficult to initially use the Unique.
Help: There are many options. Shako, Rare Circlet ( + Skill, Stre/Dex, Resist, Sockets) or Crown of Ages ( + Resist, 2 Sockets in Jewel + Resist or Increased Attack Speed)
Amor: There are also many choices: Bramble (increase Poison Dam, Fireres, FHR), Chains of Honor (increase Res All, + 2 Skill and Stre), Enigma ( + 2 Skill, Stre, Run Speed), Arkaine's Valor or Lihheart (Arranged in order to use and slow down to decrease)
a. ThunderStroke
-Throw Damage: (87-105) To (165-198)
-One-Hand Damage: (75-90) To (135-162)
- Required Level: 69
- Required Strength: 107
- Required Dexterity: 151
-Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
- Max Stack (80)
- (Amazon Only)
- +150-200% Enhanced Damage
-Adds 1-511 Lightning Damage
- 15% Increased Attack Speed
--15% to enemy Lightning Resistance
- 20% Chance to cast level 14 Lightning on Striking
- +2-4 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only
- +3 to Lightning Bolt (Amazon Only)
This product should only be used for lighting zon, but we are talking about Poison Zon.
b. Titan's Revenge
-Throw Damage: (70-79) to (185-212)
-One-Hand Damage: (70-79) to (137-155)
- Required Level: 42
- Required Strength: 25
- Required Dexterity: 109
- Max Stack: 140
-Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
- (Amazon Only)
- +150-200% Enhanced Damage
-ADDS 25-50 Damage
- +2 to Amazon Skill Levels
-5-9% Life Stolen Per Hit
- 30% Faster Run/Walk
- +20 to strength
- +20 to dexterity
- Replenishes Quantity [1 in 3 sec.]
- Increased stack size [60]
- +2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only
Poison Zon is okay
Belts: Vermungo or Razortail, not anymore, then use another
Shields: Stormshield or Spirit. Choose 1 tron 2
Gloves: Trang-Oul (quite good) or use other goods (options)
Rings: 2 pairs of Stone of Jordan or Ring 1 Stone of Jordan and 1 Raven Frost (Can not freeze)
Amulets: Mara's Kaliedescope is difficult to find, increased skill and 20-30 resist all. Or Highlord's Wrath
Charms: This is not to say. 1 is Hellfire Tourch Large Charm, 2 is Annihilus. The remaining can be added = collection, but must meet the requirements of Life and Resist All
After finishing 1, Poison Zon, 1 Dual Poison/Lighting Zon. Presented in the next article
Dual Poison/Lightning Zon
Dual Poison/Lighting Zon
I / Introduction
Advantages: Diverse skills when going to train levels, so it is necessary to know how to coordinate skills together in this building format. Don't worry about Immu. Train Level best in 3 ways of building. Supported Shield with high features
Disadvantages: Because Dual Poison/Lighting is half fat, half -fat is not as high as other dual (Char) but the dam is also a little more than Poison. In terms of hit point, like 3 other builds, very miserable
II / Stat Point
Streng: enough to use item (about 100-120).
DEX: Enough max block and Required.
Vitality: put here. Compensate for shortage
Eng: useless, but almost less charged. Mana will be granted from the item.
Javelin and Spear Skills
1 point for:
Power Strike
Max 20 point for:
Poison Javelin
Plague Javelin
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Fury
And Lighting Strike, put in 12-15 point. Reason: Dam is not high. Instead of hopelessly on this skill, please give better Valkyrie (And + Skill from item)
Poison Javelin, Plague Javelin and Lightning Fury for Train Level. Lighting Bolt is used when the first training, or to kill Boss (cast Poison first and then use this skill)
1 point for:
Inner sight
Critical Strike
Slow Missiles
10 point for: Valkyrie (that's enough, will definitely get + skill level from item)
If there is still leftover: I should put in the Dodge / Avoid / Evade group
Uses, the Dodge / Avoid / Evade group: Increases the ability to avoid. Valkyrie: Disciple
IV / Hire
Nothing is as good as Mr. Hire Act II at Differt Nightmare. Initially in Normal, you can use an Attack rating (forgot the name). As for Nightmare, I switched to him with Aura Holy Freeze.
Item is hard to buy Runeword or Unique to go (not know about the ni)
V / item
Helm: Shako, Vampire Gaze, Stealskull (Dual Leech, MF, IAS), Rockstopper (Resists, Dr), Tal-Rasha's Mask (Dual Leech, Res All) [IAS = Increased Attack Speed, MF = Magic Find]
Amor: Chains of Honor, Archon Plate, Enigma, Bramble ( + Poison Dam) familiar but useful dishes. Increase Life Steal, Streng and Resist All
a. Titan's Revenge
-Throw Damage: (70-79) to (185-212)
-One-Hand Damage: (70-79) to (137-155)
- Required Level: 42
- Required Strength: 25
- Required Dexterity: 109
- Max Stack: 140
-Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
- (Amazon Only)
- +150-200% Enhanced Damage
-ADDS 25-50 Damage
- +2 to Amazon Skill Levels
-5-9% Life Stolen Per Hit
- 30% Faster Run/Walk
- +20 to strength
- +20 to dexterity
- Replenishes Quantity [1 in 3 sec.]
- Increased stack size [60]
- +2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only
b. ThunderStroke
-Throw Damage: (87-105) To (165-198)
-One-Hand Damage: (75-90) To (135-162)
- Required Level: 69
- Required Strength: 107
- Required Dexterity: 151
-Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
- Max Stack (80)
- (Amazon Only)
- +150-200% Enhanced Damage
-Adds 1-511 Lightning Damage
- 15% Increased Attack Speed
--15% to enemy Lightning Resistance
- 20% Chance to cast level 14 Lightning on Striking
- +2-4 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only
- +3 to Lightning Bolt (Amazon Only)
Select 1 in 2. But recommend using Titan's Revenge.
Belts: Razortail, Thundergod's Vigor, String of Ears. Choose 1 in 3 to Equiped
Shields: Stormshield, Ancient's Pledge (easy to make) or Spirit. 1 of 3
Gloves: Trang-Oul or other dishes (exempted + skill, ias ..., generally high op)
Boots: In this clause, it is clear. But choose the necessary items, including: Resist, Run Speed, Life, Skill ...
Rings: 2 pairs of Stone of Jordan or Ring 1 Stone of Jordan and 1 Raven Frost (Can not freeze)
Amulets: Mara's Kaliedescope (a bit hard to find, increase skill and 20-30 resist all). Or Highlord's Wrath
Charms: This is not to say. 1 is Hellfire Tourch Large Charm, 2 is Annihilus. The remaining can be added = collection, but must meet the requirements of Life and Resist All
Finished ! Javazon is just enough. Spear Zon will continue at Next Reply
The article is for reference only for Newbie…..
Bowazon: Top Trending
Bowazon - Character can be considered unmatched!
As the title, this Amazon Build will focus on Amazon's BOW use skills. This build is very diverse, extremely safe, easy to use, very strong, must be called extremely terrible, it is Ice Bowazon. First introduce the Build style in the runway.
1/ Introduction:
_The point: is the most terrible type of Range Attack Char, the horrible amount of damage can be bored with any monster or boss. Bowazon can PvP and PVM are both good, no need to worry about Mana and Life anymore due to extremely high Leech ability, when surrounded - Crowd Control does not have to worry too much.
_She points: The first level, damage is too weak, not soaked with boss floods, 2 main skill, one remaining 24 level is 30, so the first levels are a place. Item for Bowazon is also an important issue, horrible swords, those who have experience, hunting this item is also a bit miserable.>
2/ Stat points:
_Strength: Bowazon's main damage is based on the Dexterity index, the Str indicator does not increase for us how much, so just to come here up to 60-70 point enough to wear clothes.
_Dexterity: When you shoot archery, you have to shoot correctly and shortly, what can be done, so put all the remaining points here, no regrets, you will see your Bowazon becomes a god on the battle Bow's field is also caused by DEX and higher EVADE
_Vitality: This type of built is Leech Life and then Leech Mana, put in here a lot of blood is not helpful at all, it is best to forget it. However, if you feel careful because you are not used to it, you should put here about 60-80 points is too much.
_ENNERGY: Each hit is the LEEL AUA, SKill Strafe shoots up to 20 hits that cost 11 Mana, while each hit we hit the monster has an average of 4-8 Mana, the more he shoots, the more Mana will recover. Put here only wasteful.
When lifting for stats, easy to understand, giving enough points to str, all the rest for the DEX, not the Regret. >
3/ Skill Points:
Bow and Crossbow Skills:
You put 1 point in the following skill, they only have the effect of leading the way:
Magic Arrow
Multiple Shot
Ice Arrow
Guided Arrow
And max the following 3 skill:
Cold Arrow: Our initially existing tactics, focus on lifting this skill at first, in addition it also resonates our official moves.> Damage causes a small look but not as small as what we imagine.)))
Strafe: Our official technique, this skill is why Bowazon is considered to be unmatched. This skill hits up to 10 monsters or more, even the monsters are not in the screen but also hit.>
In addition, if you hit only one Enemy, it will receive all of 20 hits, try to damage 9x Bowazon of SEP is 3000, then the amount of damage is at least 15000-20000 already and the mana is spent to say not to say no significant. The only bad point of this skill is to stand still in a place that shoots, a bit annoying, the first level of damage is quite low, the following is significant.
Freezing Arrow: As the name implies, freezing all the monsters sticky with this skill, the amount of damage is very high, although a bit of a little mana, up to 32 mana, but worth the money. Max !!!!!!!!!!!
In the order, we max for Strafe, then Freezing Arrow and Cold Arrow, do not max for Ice Arrow, only works to make the freezing time long, no effect.> P
You put 1 point in the following skills:
Inner sight
Critical Strike
Slow Missiles
Slow Missles, Penetrate, Avoid, Dodge, Inner Sight, Critical Strike and Valkyrie must learn socks, even if only one point, but with the skill plus, the index will be terrible.
Max for the following skill:
EVADE: Increasing the ability to avoid opponents' attacks, 56% dodge and high DEX index, you never have to take care of the opponent to attack you. If you don't like it, put the point for Valkyrie.
Javelin and Spear Skills:
What does Bowazon learn about what this version does, only cost points, forget it.
4/ Items:
Hat: Harlequin's Crest Socket "Um" Rune with +2 to all Skill, plus a pile of blood and mana, add 22 to all attributes from the "um" rune, this is the best hat. . In addition, Nightwing's Veil Spired Helm with Cold Skill DMG and 2 to all Skill, 9 for Cold Asorb is also a very good choice for this char
Giap: "Enigma" Runeword (JAH +ITH +Ber) on the Archone Plate shirt, just +2 to all skill, add a pile of blood and mana, +1 to teleport, add Attribute, the best shirt. In addition, using Runeword "Chain of Honor" (DOL+UM+BER+IST) is also quite good.
Weapon 1: If you can afford, use Amazon's Elite Bow tree, Grand Matron Bow +3 to Bow and Crossbow Skill, quite difficult to find, press "Faith" Runeword (Ohm+Jah+Lem+Eld) up, +2 to all skill, Aura Fantacism, add a pile of damage, the best bow can be the best. If not conditions, at least use lycader's aim, Amazon Unique Bow, +2 to All Skill, +2 Ro Bow and Crossbow Skill can be temporarily replaced.
Weapon 2: Runeword "Call to Arms" (AMN+Ral+Mal+IST+Ohm) on the phase blade, +2 to all skill and important are the two war cries of the bar.
Shield 2 "Phoenix" Runeword (Vex+Vex+Lo+Jah) on Moarch Shield has Aura Redemption, blood suction and mana dead monsters, we also have to be wary of cases when meeting Skeleton, Ko Leech Life and Mana.
Belts: Using Arachnid Mesh, rare belts has +1 to all skill, this is the best belt for every char.
Gloves: Using Dracul's Grasp has the ability to Leech Life or Ghoulhide with Leech Life and add a pile of Attack rating if you put the point in for Vitality.
Boots: Natalya Mesh Boots, the fastest shoes, Stamina is also high, easy to find, this is the most satisfactory shoes already.
Rings: 2 pairs of Stone of Jordan or Ring 1 Stone of Jordan and 1 Bullkathos' Wedding Band.
Amulets: Mara's Kaliedescope +2 to All Skill or HGH Lord's Wraith, plus Attribute and high resist index.
Charms: 1 is Hellfire Tourch Large Cheat, 2 is Annihilus. The rest are the Charm +Resist and Charm +Bow and Crossbow Skill, as much as possible and add Charm +Poison Dam is great.
The article is for reference only for Newbie ... ..
Fire Amazon
Fire Bowazon
OK, followed by the second Bowazon Build form, Fire. This build is equivalent to Cold but higher damage, the ability to cause damage must be said to be even more terrible.
1/ Introduction:
_The score: Regarding the ability to be flexible, this build is even more flexible than Cold Bow, the ability to damage is higher, all the skill resonate with each other, PVP is even worse than the Build Bow Bow. This build is great when hitting the boss, a terrible Range Damage.
_She points: When you go to Hell, the number of Immune to Fire monsters is extremely much, it must be said to be a lot, almost less soil used very much. In addition, when Hellfire Torch, it just released the fire again => touched.
2/ Stat points:
_StRength: Like Cold Bow, you raise the focus for DEX as the main, just put here 60-70 point to wear clothes.
_Dexterity: Pouring all the remaining points for Dexterity, has just increased the Attack Rating, Evade and Damage for Bow. Increase all here.
_Vitality: What do blood do? Have you ever lost blood? This type of build is extremely safe, very rare to lose blood but also Leech Life, what is foolish to increase for Vitality?
_ENNERGY: 2 main skill, one 10-20 mana skill, the rest is 20-30 mana, can Leech Life, many mana to make ornamental? Do not waste any point and here, at first a bit difficult but gradually when there is Leech Life Leech Mana already …….
3/ Skill Points:
Bow and Crossbow Skills:
Add 1 point to the following skill, it only has the effect of navigation:
Magic Arrow
Cold Arrow
Multiple Shot
Guided Arrow
Please max the following skills, they are our main moves:
Fire Arrow: is an important skill at the beginning, capable of causing quite good damage in the first levels, but this skill is not very high later, so please max this skill to receive resonance. Then forget this skill.
Exploding Arrow: The second skill of the Fire Bow line, the ability to explode causes damage lan, very convenient when hitting the crowd in the first level, max for this skill always, just resonating.
Immolation Arrow: The main skill of the Fire Bow line. When shooting to the monster's ng`s, it will explode and leave fire for 3 seconds. Do not despise, the amount of Fire Damage Per Second is very high, enough to destroy any monsters, except Immune. Max is given to this skill before the other two skills.
Strafe: Any bowazon uses Strafe, the most terrible technique helps Bowazon become unmatched !!!!!!!!! Max for it in parallel with Immolation Arrow.o)
Simply, you put in each skill after 1 point, with skill plus items, even if it is only a very helpful.
Inner sight
Critical Strike
Slow Missiles
Pierce helps us to shoot apple, avoid, dodge and evade to help us dodge, Valkyrie is a great disciple, as if we have a terrible charger, there are two friends who have followed.
Javelin and Spear Skills:
What do Bowazon learn the skill of this table, skip it, we don't have enough point to waste. No matter what it doesn't increase here, it's wasteful.
4/ Items:
Like Ice Bowazon's item, not much different, but please repeat.
Hat: Harlequin's Crest Socket "Um" Rune with +2 to all Skill, plus a pile of blood and mana, add 22 to all attributes from the "um" rune, this is the best hat.
Giap: "Enigma" Runeword (JAH +ITH +Ber) on the Archone Plate shirt, just +2 to all skill, add a pile of blood and mana, +1 to teleport, add Attribute, the best shirt. In addition, using Runeword "Chain of Honor" (DOL+UM+BER+IST) is also quite good.
Weapon 1: If you can afford, use Amazon's Elite Bow tree, Grand Matron Bow +3 to Bow and Crossbow Skill, quite difficult to find, press "Faith" Runeword (Ohm+Jah+Lem+Eld) up, +2 to all skill, Aura Fantacism, add a pile of damage, the best bow can be the best. If not conditions, at least use lycader's aim, Amazon Unique Bow, +2 to All Skill, +2 Ro Bow and Crossbow Skill can be temporarily replaced.
Weapon 2: Runeword "Call to Arms" (AMN+Ral+Mal+IST+Ohm) on the phase blade, +2 to all skill and important are the two war cries of the bar.
Shield 2: "Phoenix" Runeword (Vex+Vex+Lo+Jah) on Moarch Shield has Aura Redemption, Blood Suction and Mana The dead monsters, we also have to take care of the case of Skeleton, Ko Leech Life and Mana.
Belts: Using Arachnid Mesh, rare belts has +1 to all skill, this is the best belt for every char.
Gloves: Using Dracul's Grasp has the ability to Leech Life or Ghoulhide with Leech Life and add a pile of Attack rating if you put the point in for Vitality.
Boots: Natalya Mesh Boots, the fastest shoes, Stamina is also high, easy to find, this is the most satisfactory shoes already. If possible, use Gore Rider shoes to add %CRUSHING Blow and Deadly Strike, if you like higher damage damage.
Rings: 2 pairs of Stone of Jordan or Ring 1 Stone of Jordan and 1 Bullkathos' Wedding Band both have more mana and more blood, all +1 to all skill each type.
Amulets: Mara's Kaliedescope +2 to All Skill or High Lord's Wraith, plus Attribute and high resist index.
Charms: 1 is Hellfire Tourch Large Cheat, 2 is Annihilus, 2 Charm Must Have indispensable. The rest are the Charm +Resist and Charm +Bow and Crossbow Skill, as much as possible and add Charm +Poison Dam is great.
As for the disciple, if using Hireling Act1, let her use quite special items later, generally what you use using:
_Nón: Harlequin's Crest with +2 to all skill.
Weapon: Runeword "Faith" (Ohm+Jah+Lem+Eld) with +2 to all Skill, Aura fanaticism !!!!!!!!
_This: "Enigma" Runeword (JAH+ITH+Ber) with +2 to all skill.
Once completed, our Hireling girl each attack can launch Chain Lightning, Meteor and Glacial Special, quite interesting.)) Know more details !!!!!!!: -
The article is for reference only for Newbie ... ..
Spear Fendazon
There are bowazon, javazon and then go to Spearazon.
I/. Introduce:
Advantages: Good deal with the crowd, the amount of Attack rating is extremely high, so the sliding rate is extremely low
Disadvantages: Low Defense is due to not holding shields, due to measuring when fighting with the crowd if you do not have a high Leech Life ratio, it is very easy to die, but this is not a big problem. and money to fix Weapon
II/Stats Point:
Str: Because it is a Melee char, the number of points to be put here is> 150. This is the item will increase.
DEX: About 110 - 120 is enough
Vitality: all the remaining points.
Energy: No 1 points.
Spear and Javelin table
Jab 1 Point guide, is also a skill to help you in the first lv
Impale 1 point.
This is our main skill.
Passive and Magic table
Add a point to the following skills:
Inner sight
Slow Missiles
Critical Strike Max 20 Point. X2 damg is too big
Penetrate 15 - 20 points
Decoy probably many people think that this skill is not necessary, but its role is not small at all, can use this skill to attract the crowd and kill clean, in some cases, it is a tool to run away .Max 20 Point
Valkyrie is loyal, powerful assistant for Ta.max 20 Point
Ignore Bow and Crossbow
Armor: Chain of Honor (DOL + UM + BER + IST) with + 2 All Skill, DEF high, 1 "little" resist or stone (sheal + um + pul + lum) with quite quite a bit
Hat: Halerquin Crest with 2 all skill and many other features or vampire gaze
Glove: Dracul's Grasp with high Leech Life ratio, 25% Crushing Blow ... or Steelrend with 10% Crushing Blow and 20 Str.
Belt: Vertungo's Hearty Cord - The perfect choice for Melee char.
Shoes: Gore Rider with features for Melee Char such as % Deadly Strike, % Open Wound, Crushing Blow or Goblin Toe is also quite good and easy to find
Main weapon
1.Lycander's Flank
+150-200% Enhanced Damage
ADDS 25-50 Damage
+2 To Amazon Skill Levels
+30% Increased Attack Speed
5-9% Life Stolen Per Hit
+20 To Strength
+20 To Vitality
+20% Enhanced Defense
+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
+230-280% Enhanced Damage
ADDS 101-187 Magic Damage
+400-600 defense
All Resistances +30-50 +1-3 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
Weapons 2 + Shield 2:
Too familiar, nothing but Call to Arm (AMN + Ral + Mal + IST + Ohm) and Spirit (Tal + Thuul + Ort + AMN) to cast Bo, BC before going to the battle.
Amulet: Mara ‘S Kaleidoscope with +2 All Skill, Resist and Attributes or Highlord's Wrath
Ring Bul - Kathos ‘S Wedding Band with All Skill and Leech Life, Raven Frost to fight Freeze
You should choose at Act 2 Nightmare to have Aura Might.Trang is as follows:
Weapons: 1 Doom tree (Hel + Ohm + Um + Lo + Charm) with Aura Holy Freeze or Pride (Charm + Sur + IO + Lo) with Aura Concentration
Armor: Fortitude (El + Sol + Dol + Lo) with extremely high def
Things all over the Runeword, so people see for reference.
The article is for reference only for Newbie ... ..